

Biological characteristics of reproductive stocks of Scomber australasicus in the South-Central East China Sea


为研究东海海域澳洲鲐(Scomber australasicus)繁殖群体的生物学特征,依据2016-2023年1-4月在东海中南部采集的227尾澳洲鲐样本,分析了澳洲鲐繁殖群体的叉长、体重、摄食等级、肥满度、性腺指数、性比及肌肉含量等生物学特征.结果显示,澳洲鲐繁殖群体性别间的叉长和体重关系无显著差异(P>0.05),雌雄个体合并拟合的叉长和体重关系式为:W=3×10-6FL3.2558.1月为澳洲鲐的越冬期,2-4月为繁殖期.澳洲鲐的产卵高峰期集中在3月,到4月下旬,已经产卵的澳洲鲐数量比例增大.在性腺发育同等情况下,雌性澳洲鲐在繁殖期间性腺指数始终高于雄性澳洲鲐,而肌肉含量却小于雄性澳洲鲐.摄食强度在越冬期到繁殖期前后是先下降后上升的状态,肥满度则是先上升后下降,最后恢复到与繁殖期前相近的水平.2月繁殖初期雄性多于雌性,到3-4月繁殖中后期雌性数量多于雄性.这种繁殖期间性比的变化符合最大限度实现世代补充和繁殖收益最大化的繁殖策略.综上,东海中南部澳洲鲐的繁殖高峰期集中在3月,在进入繁殖期后,性腺发育过程中会减少摄食,生长缓慢,机体的部分肌肉组织会转化为性腺以满足生殖所需.

To study the biological characteristics of the breeding stocks of Scomber australasicus in the East China Sea,we analyzed the biological characteristics of the breeding stocks of Scomber australasicus,including fork length,body mass,feeding grade,fattening,gonad index,sex ratio,and muscle content,based on 227 Scomber australasicus samples collected in the south-central part of the East China Sea between January and April,2016-2023.The results showed that there was no significant difference in the relationship between fork length and body mass between the sexes of the breeding stocks of Scomber australasicus(P>0.05),and the equation for the relationship between fork length and body mass fitted to both sexes was W=3×10-6FL3.2558 January is the overwintering period for Scomber australasicus,and the breeding period is from February to April.The peak spawning period of the Australian mackerel was concentrated in March,and the proportion of mackerel that had already spawned increased by late April.Female mackerel always have a higher gonadal index than male mackerel and less muscle mass than male mackerel,with equal gonadal development.Feeding intensity declined and then increased from the overwintering period to around the breeding period,whereas fattening increased and then declined before returning to pre-breeding levels.Males outnumbered females in early breeding in February,and females outnumbered males in late breeding from March to April.This variation in sex ratio during the breeding period is consistent with a breeding strategy that maximizes generation replenishment and reproductive gain.During the breeding season,the female Scomber australasicus organism allocates more energy to gonadal development than the male,while allocating less energy to muscle,to ensure population continuation.Female Scomber australasicus are more abundant than males during the breeding season,which may be related to the fact that Scomber australasicus is trying to increase the number of offspring to ensure the continuation of the population.The breeding season affects the feeding activity of Scomber australasicus,leading to a decrease in fat content.It was found that female Scomber australasicus outnumbered males in the large-bodied Scomber australasicus population,and that fork length and body weight were slightly higher than in males.However,further research is required to investigate this phenomenon.The biological characteristics of the reproductive stocks of Scomber australasicus in the south-central East China Sea were analyzed to enrich the biological data on the reproductive stocks of Scomber australasicus in the south-central East China Sea,which will provide a basis for the conservation and utilization of Scomber australasicus in the south-central East China Sea.


中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,农业农村部东海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,上海 200090||上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 201306中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,农业农村部东海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室,上海 200090



Scomber australasicusreproduction stocksbiological characteristicsEast China Sea

《中国水产科学》 2024 (004)

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