

Impacts of mesoscale eddies on the spatial and temporal distribution of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis in the Northwest Indian Ocean


鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)是具有重要经济价值的头足类之一,在西北印度洋海域蕴藏有丰富的资源量,该海域受季风的影响中尺度涡分布广泛,但对栖息于该海域鸢乌贼的影响尚不清晰.本研究基于角动量涡旋检测与追踪算法获得的涡旋追踪数据集匹配渔业数据,统计了西北印度洋中尺度涡的时空分布,分析了不同类型涡旋和鸢乌贼资源丰度和分布的关系,并结合广义加性模型解析了中尺度涡基本特征量与鸢乌贼资源分布之间的关联.结果表明,西北印度洋中尺度涡发生的高频海域在北部区域,且存在明显的月间和年际变化.振幅、相对涡度大的中尺度涡内更容易聚集高的鸢乌贼资源丰度.气旋涡内部区域和外围区域的鸢乌贼资源丰度均优于反气旋涡,且这种差异于涡旋内部区域更加明显.研究表明,西北印度洋中尺度涡会影响鸢乌贼的资源分布,需要进一步结合环境因子探究其影响机制.

Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis,a cephalopod species with significant economic value,is widely distributed and abundant in the Northwestern Indian Ocean.This region is characterized by rich and active mesoscale eddies influenced by various factors such as monsoons.Currently,the impacts of mesoscale eddies on S.oualaniensis in the Northwestern Indian Ocean are still unknown.Therefore,this study utilized data derived from the angular momentum eddy detection and tracking algorithm(AMEDA)for eddy detection and tracking and matched the eddies with fisheries data.The spatiotemporal distribution of mesoscale eddies in the Northwestern Indian Ocean was examined,and the relationships between different types of eddies and the abundance and distribution of S.oualaniensis were evaluated.Moreover,this study applied the generalized additive model(GAM)to assess the association between the fundamental characteristics of mesoscale eddies and the abundance and distribution of S.oualaniensis.The results revealed that high-frequency occurrences of mesoscale eddies were observed in the northern regions of the Northwestern Indian Ocean,exhibiting monthly and interannual variations.Mesoscale eddies with larger amplitudes and higher relative vorticity tended to enhance the abundance of S.oualaniensis.The abundance of S.oualaniensis resources within the inner and peripheral regions of the cyclonic eddies was higher than that in the anticyclonic eddies,with this distinction being more pronounced within the internal zones of the eddies.Our findings suggested that mesoscale eddies had significant impacts on the distribution of S.oualaniensis,and the underlying mechanism could be further elucidated in the future by analyzing the environmental conditions.


上海海洋大学海洋生物资源与管理学院,上海 201306上海海洋大学海洋生物资源与管理学院,上海 201306||国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心,上海 201306||大洋渔业资源可持续开发教育部重点实验室,上海 201306||农业农村部大洋渔业开发重点实验室,上海 201306||农业农村部大洋渔业资源环境科学观测实验站,上海 201306



mesoscale eddySthenoteuthis oualaniensisabundance and distributionNorthwest Indian Ocean

《中国水产科学》 2024 (004)

454-464 / 11


