

Species identification of Capitella in sea cucumber culture ponds and its genetic diversity analysis


为明确刺参养殖池塘大量出现的一种潜在敌害生物种类以及不同养殖区域的遗传关系,本研究采用形态学和分子生物学方法确定了小头虫的种类,并基于18SrDNA、CO I和ITS基因序列,对山东东营和青岛两个地理群体的遗传多样性及遗传结构进行解析,结果显示,虫体外观呈红色,长7.94~25.27 mm,宽0.65~0.94 mm,头部呈圆锥状或钝圆形;胸部九个胸节,前七胸节具毛状刚毛;雄体在第八、九胸节具有钩状生殖棘;雌体在腹部具成对的卵巢;身体背部圆形,腹部较扁平,后腹部无鳃;尾部末端具肛门.基于线粒体CO I基因系统发育树和序列比对,发现其与Capitella teleta聚为一支且序列相似性为99.11%.结合形态学特征及CO I基因分析结果,确定山东刺参养殖池塘的小头虫为C teleta.不同地区小头虫的遗传进化分析结果显示,中国山东C.teleta和韩国C.teleta以及日本C.teleta的亲缘关系最近,进一步说明刺参养殖池塘中的小头虫为C.teleta.东营和青岛小头虫群体的遗传多样性和AMOVA分析结果显示,东营群体遗传多样性高于青岛群体,两个地理群体的亲缘关系较远,两个群体存在一定程度的遗传分化.研究结果明确了刺参养殖池塘中小头虫的种类以及不同养殖区域小头虫群体的遗传关系,为构建刺参健康养殖技术提供了科学依据.

This study aimed to identify a potentially harmful species occurring in sea cucumber(Apostichopus japonicus)culture ponds and investigate their genetic relationships in different sea cucumber culture areas.The worms were identified using both morphological and molecular biological methods.The genetic diversity and genetic structure of two geographic populations in Dongying and Qingdao,Shandong,were analyzed based on 18S rDNA,CO I,and ITS gene sequences.The results indicate that the worm is red in appearance,measuring between 7.94-25.27 mm in length,and 0.65-0.94 mm in width.Its head was either conical or obtuse-rounded.The thorax was divided into nine segments,with the first to seventh segments containing bundles of hairy bristles.Mature males possess hook-like reproductive spines on the dorsal side of the body at the eighth and ninth thoracic segments,along with an elliptical reproductive tube between the seventh and eighth thoracic segments.Mature females have paired ovaries on their abdominal sides.The body was rounded on the dorsal side and flatter on the abdominal side,with no gills behind the abdomen.The tail end was anal.Based on the phylogenetic tree and sequence comparison of the mitochondrial CO I gene,it was found to be clustered into a clade with Capitella teleta with 99.11%sequence similarity.Eventually,based on the morphological characteristics and CO I gene analysis,the worms were identified as C.teleta.Genetic evolutionary analyses of the CO I gene sequences of Capitella from different areas revealed that C.teleta from Dongying,in China,was more closely related to C.teleta from Korea and C.teleta from Japan,re-confirming that the red worms in sea cucumber culture ponds were C.teleta.The genetic diversity and AMOVA analysis results of C.teleta populations from Dongying and Qingdao showed that the genetic diversity of the Dongying group was higher than that of the Qingdao group;the two geographic populations of C.teleta were distantly related,and there was a degree of genetic differentiation between the two groups.This study clarified the specific species of Capitella in sea cucumber cultures and the genetic relationships between C.teleta populations in different sea cucumber culture areas.These results provide a scientific basis for the development of healthy aquaculture technologies for sea cucumber culture.


天津科技大学海洋与环境学院,天津 300457||中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,海水养殖生物育种与可持续产出全国重点实验室,山东青岛 266071东营万德海水养殖装备有限公司,山东东营 257100东营市河口区科学技术局,山东东营 257200中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,海水养殖生物育种与可持续产出全国重点实验室,山东青岛 266071天津科技大学海洋与环境学院,天津 300457


海参小头虫形态学CO I基因18S rDNAITS基因

Apostichopus japonicusCapitella teletamorphologyCO I gene18S rDNAITS gene

《中国水产科学》 2024 (004)

476-487 / 12


