

Cloning of the chondroitin sulfate synthase 1 gene and its expression pattern analysis under Vibrio splendidus infection in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus


硫酸软骨素在生物体应对病毒和细菌感染中起着重要作用,为研究硫酸软骨素合酶1(chondroitin sulfate synthase-1,ChSy-1)在仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)受到灿烂弧菌(Vibrio splendidus)感染后的作用,本研究开展了仿刺参ChSy-1基因(AjChSy-1)全长序列克隆和结构及系统进化分析,并采用荧光定量PCR技术测定了该基因在刺参不同组织中的表达差异及灿烂弧菌感染下的表达模式.结果显示,AjChSy-1基因cDNA全长为2756 bp,其中,5'-UTR长度为194bp,3'-UTR为228 bp,ORF为2334 bp,编码777个氨基酸.AjChSy-1基因编码的蛋白含有糖基转移酶保守性DXD基序、β3-糖基转移酶基序及β4-糖基转移酶基序等结构.刺参基因组比对发现在chrl3染色体上存在2个AjChSy-1基因拷贝.系统进化分析表明,刺参AjChSy-1编码蛋白与玉足海参(Holothuria leucospilota)和棘冠海星(Acanthaster planci)的蛋白亲缘关系较近,与斑马鱼(Danio rerio)、智人(Homo sapiens)等脊椎动物的蛋白亲缘关系较远.荧光定量PCR显示,AjChSy-1基因具有广泛的组织表达特性,其中,体腔细胞中表达量最高,体壁、性腺(雄性和雌性)和纵肌次之.在响应灿烂弧菌侵染过程中,随灿烂弧菌侵染时间增加,体壁中AjChSy-1表达量呈现先上升后下降的趋势,在第3、6、9天分别为对照组的1.79、2.06、3.12倍,对发病期抗病群体和易感群体中该基因的检测结果表明,易感群体体壁该基因表达量显著低于抗病群体(P<0.05),表达量降低11.4%.推测该基因可能在刺参应对灿烂弧菌中发挥免疫防御作用,相关研究结果为解析刺参AjChSy-1基因功能以及抗病分子调控机制提供了参考数据.

Chondroitin sulfate synthase-1(ChSy-1)is a crucial enzyme involved in the synthesis and elongation of chondroitin sulfate(CS),playing a vital role in combating bacterial and viral infections.The growing scale of aquaculture has led to the emergence of"rotting skin syndrome"caused mainly by Vibrio splendidus,posing a severe threat to the healthy cultivation of sea cucumbers.Our recent transcriptome study has found that ChSy-1 may have an essential immune function in protecting sea cucumbers from pathogenic infection;however,there has been no prior research on chondroitin sulfate synthase in echinoderms.In the present study,we obtained the full-length cDNA sequence of ChSy-1 using the RACE technique and analyzed its tissue expression characteristics in sea cucumbers using real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR.Furthermore,we also examined the expression characteristics of the body wall tissues under Vibrio vulnificus infiltration to investigate the possible physiological effects of AjChSy-1 on pathogenic infection.The study found that the AjChSy-1 gene has a full cDNA length of 2756 bp,with 5'-UTR length of 194 bp,3'-UTR length of 228 bp,and ORF length of 2334 bp.The ORF encodes 777 amino acids,with a predicted molecular weight of the encoded protein of 89.1 kDa.The theoretical isoelectric point was 7.62,with a fat coefficient of 82.25 and an instability factor of 43.77.The protein sequence contains a type Ⅱ transmembrane topology with 11 cysteine residues and four potential N-glycosylation sites.The three-dimensional spatial structure of the sea cucumbers AjChSy-1 protein is similar to that of the Holothuria leucospilota ChSy-1,with some differences from Homo sapiens.The sea cucumbers genome contains two copies of the AjChSy-1 gene,both of which are found on chromosome chrl3.Gene structure analysis shows that both copies have two exons and one intron.Phylogenetic analysis showed that the protein encoded by AjChSy-1 in sea cucumbers was closely related to that of Holothuria leucospilota and Acanthaster planci,with similarities of 82.37%and 54.57%,respectively.It was more distantly related to that of Danio rerio,Homo sapiens,and other vertebrates.The protein encoded by AjChSy-1 contains structures such as a glycosyltransferase-conserved DXD motif,β3-glycosyltransferase motif,and β4-glycosyltransferase motif.Fluorescence quantitative PCR showed that the AjChSy-1 gene has a wide range of tissue expression characteristics,with the highest expression in the coelomocytes,followed by the body wall,gonads(male and female),and longitudinal muscles.The expression of AjChSy-1 in the body wall increased and then decreased with an increase in Vibrio splendidus stress duration.After 3 days of Vibrio splendidus imbibition,it increased sharply to 1.79 times of the control group and reached the highest transcript level of 3.12 times of the control group at 9 days.It then decreased starting from 12 days,and in diseased individuals,it decreased to 2.65 times of the control group.Upon analysis of the genes in both resistant and susceptible populations at the onset of the disease,it was revealed that the susceptible population had a markedly lower gene expression in their body wall compared to the resistant population(P<0.05),with a difference of 11.4%in expression.According to the research findings,AjChSy-1 gene could potentially contribute to the immune protection against Vibrio splendidus in the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus.This study has also provided crucial insights into the regulatory mechanism of disease resistance and functional analysis of the AjChSy-1 gene in sea cucumbers.


中国海洋大学水产学院,山东青岛 266003||中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室,山东青岛 266071中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室,山东青岛 266071||崂山实验室海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室,山东青岛 266071中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室,山东青岛 266071青岛市海洋管理保障中心,山东青岛 266071



Apostichopus japonicusChSy-1gene cloningfluorescence quantitative PCRgene expressionVibrio splendidus

《中国水产科学》 2024 (004)

488-499 / 12


