

Analysis of immune cells and their subsets in peripheral blood and spleen of CAST/EiJ mice


目的 探索CAST/EiJ小鼠对多种病原体易感的可能原因,分析CAST/EiJ小鼠外周血和脾内的免疫细胞表型,明确CAST/EiJ小鼠的免疫细胞构成.方法 利用流式细胞术,通过细胞表面标记物CD3、CD4、CD8、CD11b、CD11c、CD19、CD27、CD49b和TCRβ检测CAST/EiJ小鼠和C57BL/6J小鼠外周血和脾内经典型树突状细胞(cDCs)、自然杀伤细胞(NK)、B淋巴细胞、T淋巴细胞及其亚群的细胞比例.结果 CAST/EiJ小鼠与C57BL/6J小鼠的cDCs细胞比例无明显差异,但cDC1细胞亚群比例偏低;CAST/EiJ小鼠的NK细胞(主要是成熟NK细胞亚群)和T淋巴细胞(主要是CD8+T细胞)比例都显著低于C57BL/6J小鼠,而CAST/EiJ小鼠的B淋巴细胞比例高于C57BL/6J小鼠.结论 CAST/EiJ小鼠中NK和T淋巴细胞比例显著低于C57BL/6J小鼠.

Objective To explore the possible causes of CAST/EiJ mouse susceptibility to multiple pathogens,the immune cell phenotypes in the peripheral blood and spleen of CAST/EiJ mice were analyzed to clarify their composition.Methods Classical dendritic cells(cDCs),natural killer(NK)cells,B lymphocytes,T lymphocytes,and their subsets in the peripheral blood and spleen of CAST/EiJ mice and C57BL/6J mice were detected by flow cytometry using the cell surface markers CD3,CD4,CD8,CD11b,CD11c,CD19,CD27,CD49b,and TCRβ.Results There was no significant difference in the proportion of cDCs between CAST/EiJ and C57BL/6J mice,but the cDC1 cell subset population was smaller in CAST/EiJ.The proportions of NK cells(mainly mature NK cell subsets)and T lymphocytes(mainly CD8+T cells)were both lower in CAST/EiJ mice than C57BL/6J mice,while the proportion of B cells was higher in CAST/EiJ mice than C57BL/6J mice.Conclusions The proportions of NK and T lymphocytes in CAST/EiJ mice were lower than those in C57BL/6J mice.


中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所,北京协和医学院比较医学中心,国家卫生健康委员会人类疾病比较医学重点实验室,新发再发传染病动物模型研究北京市重点实验室,北京 100021


CAST/EiJ miceC57BL/6J miceclassical dendritic cellsnatural killer cellsB lymphocytesT lymphocytes

《中国比较医学杂志》 2024 (004)

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