

Establishment of chimeric rabbits with FOXN1 gene knockout


目的 建立F0代FOXN1基因敲除兔嵌合体,以探究普通饲养环境免疫缺陷兔活体保种的方法.方法 首先,利用CRISPR/Cas9技术,将构建好的sgRNA和Cas9蛋白注入兔二细胞期胚胎的一个细胞中,以获得FOXN1基因编辑嵌合体胚胎.然后,胚胎移植至代孕母兔.最后,通过PCR技术以及Sanger测序方法鉴定F0代仔兔基因型,并观察其在普通饲养环境生长发育的情况.结果 PCR结合Sanger测序结果表明FOXN1基因敲除兔嵌合体构建成功.经观察,嵌合体在普通环境下生长发育良好,无免疫缺陷表型.结论 本研究初步建立了在普通环境下可正常生长发育的FOXN1基因敲除兔嵌合体,为后续进一步繁育FOXN1免疫缺陷兔奠定了研究基础.

Objective To establish F0 generation chimeric rabbits with FOXN1 gene knockout and explore method for the in vivo conservation of immunodeficient rabbits in a conventional housing environment.Methods Initially,CRISPR/Cas9 technology was employed to inject constructed sgRNA and Cas9 protein into a single cell from rabbit two-cell stage embryos to obtain chimeric embryos with FOXN1 gene editing.The embryos were subsequently transferred into surrogate does.Finally,the F0 generation offsprings were genotyped using PCR and Sanger sequencing,and their growth and development in a conventional housing environment were observed.Results The PCR and Sanger sequencing result confirmed the successful establishment of himeric rabbits with FOXN1 gene knockout.On observation,the chimeras exhibited normal growth and development in a conventional environment without any immunodeficient phenotypes.Conclusions This study established a preliminary chimeric rabbit model with FOXN1 gene knockout that grows and develops normally in standard laboratory environments.This lays the foundation for the further breeding of FOXN1 immunodeficient rabbits in the future.


五邑大学药学与食品工程学院,广东省医学大动物模型重点实验室,广东江门 529020||广东省医学实验动物中心,南方医科大学附属广东省人民医院(广东省医学科学院),广东佛山 528248广东省医学实验动物中心,南方医科大学附属广东省人民医院(广东省医学科学院),广东佛山 528248


FOXN1gene knockout rabbitimmune deficiencychimera

《中国比较医学杂志》 2024 (004)

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