

Study on the Effect of Industrialized Hole Plate Seedling Cultivation of Tea Trees under Different Conditions on the Growth of Tea Seedlings


通过对比试验探究在工厂化育苗条件下,扦插基质、生长调节剂含量、穴盘规格、插穗留叶量、插穗木质化程度对茶树穴盘育苗成活率、新梢长度、茎粗、着叶数的影响.结果表明,在珍珠岩与草炭2∶35混合基质中生长的茶苗成活率、新梢长度、茎粗、着叶数均较高,且成活率、新梢长度均显著高于其他处理.使用ABT1号生长调节剂对插穗进行0.5 h慢浸处理能提高茶树穴盘育苗成活率、茎粗,综合比较,以100 mg/kg处理效果较好.穴盘规格对茶苗新梢长度、茎粗、着叶数影响不大,但对每平方米成活茶苗数影响较大,128穴规格穴盘每平方米成活茶苗数显著高于其他处理.插穗留叶量对茶苗扦插成活率、茎粗、着叶数影响不大,对茶苗新梢长度影响较大,以保留全叶或1/2叶处理效果较好.不同插穗木质化程度对新梢长度影响不大,结合对成活率、茶苗茎粗、着叶数的影响效果,以绿梗或半木质化处理效果较好.

This experiment studied the effects of cutting substrate,growth regulator concentration,plug tray size,cut-ting leaf retention and cutting lignification degree on the survival rate,new shoot length,stem diameter and leaf number of tea seedlings grown under industrialized seedling cultivation conditions.The results show that the use of light substrates such as peat moss,perlite and vermiculite could significantly improve the survival rate of cuttings.The survival rate,new shoot length,stem diameter,and leaf number of tea seedlings grown in a mixed substrate of perlite:peat moss(2∶35)were all higher,and the survival rate and new shoot length were significantly higher than other treatments.Using ABT1 growth regulator to treat the cuttings with a slow immersion treatment for 0.5 hours could improve the survival rate,new shoot length,and stem diameter of tea seedlings grown in plug trays.The plug tray size had little effect on the survival rate,new shoot length,stem diameter,and leaf number of tea seedlings,but it had a significant impact on the number of viable tea seedlings per square meter.The number of viable tea seed-lings per square meter of the 128-hole plug tray was significantly higher than other treatments.The number of leaves retained on the cutting had little effect on the survival rate,stem diameter,and leaf number of tea seedlings,but it had a significant impact on the new shoot length of tea seedlings.It was better to retain all leaves or 1/2 leaves.Different lignification degrees of cuttings had little effect on the survival rate,new shoot length,and leaf number of tea seedlings,but they had a significant impact on the stem diameter of tea seedlings.Therefore,green stems or semi-lignified stems were preferred.


巴中市农林科学研究院,四川 巴中 636000



tea plantplug seedlingmatrixsurvival ratenew shoot lengthstem thicknessleaf number

《中国茶叶》 2024 (006)

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