

Marine Redox Environment and Organic Accumulation in Northeastern Sichuan Basin During the Late Permian



[Objective]The Late Permian was a critical interval in geological history,with dramatic changes in tec-tonics,paleoclimate,paleo-oceanic environment,volcanic activities,and the biosphere.Reconstruction of the paleo-geography,paleoclimate,and paleo-oceanic environment during this interval could provide a more complete picture of the interactions and relationships among different geological factors,as well as their influence on organic matter en-richment and the evolution of the biosphere.[Methods]Organic-rich rock series were widely deposited during this pe-riod in the Sichuan Basin of the Upper Yangtze Block,providing insights into the co-evolution of the geosphere and biosphere.To better address the coeval temporal and spatial changes in the paleogeographic settings,paleo-oceanic environment,primary productivity,and organic enrichment,we conducted a detailed sedimentological investigation integrated(major and trace)element contents,organic carbon isotopes and total organic carbon(TOC)contents in the Jianfeng section,located in an intrashelf basin in northeastern Sichuan Basin.[Results]The redox-sensitive trace element data(MoXS,UXS,VXS contents,MoXS/UXS ratios,and MoEF-UEF relationship)show that the redox environ-ment of the Jianfeng section has experienced four intervals(Ⅰ-Ⅳ).Interval Ⅰ(0-10.35 m,spanning from the upper part of the Wuchiaping Formation to the lower part of the Dalong Formation)was dominated by an oxic environment during deposition,Interval Ⅱ(10.35-23.35 m,the middle Dalong Formation)experienced a ferruginous-dominant anoxic condition,Interval Ⅲ(23.35-27.00 m,the upper Dalong Formation)was mainly a euxinic environment,and Interval Ⅳ(27.00-34.05 m,from the top of the Dalong Formation to the bottom of the Changhsing Formation)was dominated by an oxic or suboxic environment.Compared with the Xibeixiang section in the deeper water of the Kaijiang-Liangping trough,the redox environment in the intrashelf basin exhibits spatiotemporal heterogeneity.The nutrient-limiting elements(ZnXS,CuXS,NiXS)contents demonstrate that primary productivity is high in both intervals Ⅱ2 and Ⅲ,coincident with the increasing terrestrial inputs(dedicated by Al,Zr,and Ti contents and K/Al values).However,the Co×Mn and Cd/Mo values indicated that the upwelling currents arose in intervals Ⅱ2,Ⅱ3,Ⅲ,and Ⅳ,and the volcanic activities were only frequent in Interval IV,disagreeing with the eutrophication and organic matter enrichment in the middle Dalong Formation.Therefore,the high primary productivity of the Dalong Formation may be principally affected by a large number of terrestrial inputs.Furthermore,the upwelling currents also made contribu-tions to the prosperity of plankton,but the volcanic activities have poor relationships with it.[Conclusions]Com-bined with the Xibeixiang section in the study area,the formation of euxinic water mass was found to be closely relat-ed to the high primary productivity,whereas its spatiotemporal fluctuations were controlled by the sea-level changes,which could drive its upslope incursion in intervals Ⅱ and Ⅲ,downslope retreat in the Interval Ⅳ,and even demise in the Interval Ⅴ.In turn,the primary productivity could be further controlled by the upwelling currents particularly on the basinal slope,and terrigenous inputs on the more updipping basinal margin.In this case,the primary produc-tivity played a leading role in the enrichment of organic matter.


页岩油气富集机理与高效开发全国重点实验室,北京 102206||中国石化页岩油气勘探开发重点实验室,北京 102206||中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 102206中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,无锡石油地质研究所,江苏无锡 214126中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,中国科学院新生代地质与环境重点实验室,北京 100029||中国科学院地球科学研究院,北京 100029||中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院,北京 100049太原理工大学矿业工程学院,太原 030024中国煤炭地质总局勘查研究总院,北京 100039



Late Permiannortheastern Sichuan Basinredox environmentprimary productivityorganic matter enrichment

《沉积学报》 2024 (003)

757-773 / 17

国家自然科学基金项目(91755210)[Foundation:National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.91755210]

