

Innovative Experiment and Course Transformation Practice of Visible-Light-Mediated Photocatalytic Synthesis of Isoquinolinone



This experiment introduces undergraduate students to the forefront of organic chemistry and new synthetic methodologies through the synthesis of isoquinolinone guided by photochemistry.By integrating organic photochemistry and continuous flow chemistry,the experiment aims to broaden the scope of undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory teaching.Carbon nitride(g-C3N4)is employed as a heterogeneous photocatalyst,while oxygen serves as a safe and atom-economic oxidant,enabling the synthesis of isoquinolinone under visible-light irradiation in a continuous flow setup.The experiment encompasses both batch and continuous flow photochemical synthesis of isoquinolinone,as well as the preparation of the natural product corydaldine.Students are involved in various aspects of the experiment,including the installation of a simple flow photochemical reactor,reaction monitoring,product purification,and characterization.Through this project,students not only gain insights into photochemical reactions but also cultivate their creativity and research skills in the realm of green and sustainable chemistry.They acquire hands-on experience in thin-layer chromatography,column chromatography,and spectroscopic analysis techniques like IR and NMR,enhancing their practical skills and environmental awareness.This innovative experiment aligns with the principles of green chemistry and miniaturization and is suitable for incorporation into undergraduate laboratory courses such as Organic Chemistry Laboratory and Comprehensive Chemistry Laboratory.Its introduction into laboratory teaching can enrich teaching practices,promote active learning,and elevate the quality of practical education.


重庆大学化学化工学院,重庆 400044



Visible-light photocatalysisContinuous flow photochemistryGreen synthesisCorydaldine

《大学化学》 2024 (005)

296-306 / 11


