首页|期刊导航|光:科学与应用(英文版)|Label-free biosensing with singular-phase-enhanced lateral position shift based on atomically thin plasmonic nanomaterials

Label-free biosensing with singular-phase-enhanced lateral position shift based on atomically thin plasmonic nanomaterialsOACSTPCD

Label-free biosensing with singular-phase-enhanced lateral position shift based on atomically thin plasmonic nanomaterials


Rapid plasmonic biosensing has attracted wide attention in early disease diagnosis and molecular biology research.However,it was still challenging for conventional angle-interrogating plasmonic sensors to obtain higher sensitivity without secondary amplifying labels such as plasmonic nanoparticles.To address this issue,we developed a plasmonic biosensor based on the enhanced lateral position shift by phase singularity.Such singularity presents as a sudden phase retardation at the dark point of reflection from resonating plasmonic substrate,leading to a giant position shift on reflected beam.Herein,for the first time,the atomically thin layer of Ge2Sb2Te5(GST)on silver nanofilm was demonstrated as a novel phase-response-enhancing plasmonic material.The GST layer was not only precisely engineered to singularize phase change but also served as a protective layer for active silver nanofilm.This new configuration has achieved a record-breaking largest position shift of 439.3 μm measured in calibration experiments with an ultra-high sensitivity of 1.72 × 108 nm RIU-1(refractive index unit).The detection limit was determined to be 6.97 × 10-7 RIU with a 0.12 μm position resolution.Besides,a large figure of merit(FOM)of 4.54 × 1011 μm(RIU·°)-1 was evaluated for such position shift interrogation,enabling the labelfree detection of trace amounts of biomolecules.In targeted biosensing experiments,the optimized sensor has successfully detected small cytokine biomarkers(TNF-a and IL-6)with the lowest concentration of 1 × 10-16M.These two molecules are the key proinflammatory cancer markers in clinical diagnosis,which cannot be directly screened by current clinical techniques.To further validate the selectivity of our sensing systems,we also measured the affinity of integrin binding to arginylglycylaspartic acid(RGD)peptide(a key protein interaction in cell adhesion)with different Mn2+ion concentrations,ranging from 1 nM to 1 mM.

Shaodi Zhu;Rodolphe Jaffiol;Aurelian Crunteanu;Cyrille Vézy;Sik-To Chan;Wu Yuan;Ho-Pui Ho;Shuwen Zeng

Light,Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies(L2n),CNRS-EMR 7004,University of Technology of Troyes,10000 Troyes,France||Department of Biomedical Engineering,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin,New Territories,Hong Kong,ChinaLight,Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies(L2n),CNRS-EMR 7004,University of Technology of Troyes,10000 Troyes,FranceXLIM Research Institute,UMR 7252 CNRS/University of Limoges,123,Avenue Albert Thomas,Limoges,FranceDepartment of Biomedical Engineering,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shatin,New Territories,Hong Kong,China

《光:科学与应用(英文版)》 2024 (005)

810-822 / 13

This work is supported under the UTT Project Stratégique NanoSPR(OPE-2022-0293),the Graduate School(Ecole Universitaire de Recherche)"NANOPHOT"(ANR-18-EURE-0013),PHC PROCORE-Campus France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme(No.44683Q),and AAP1-LABEX SigmaPIX 2021.Financial support of Nano'Mat(http://www.nanomat.eu)by the Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche,the Conseil régional grand est,the FEDER fund,the Conseil général de l'Aube,and the postgraduate studentship of CUHK are also acknowledged.

