

Reproductive Health-Oriented Development in Assisted Reproductive Technologies


辅助生殖技术(assisted reproductive technologies,ARTs)作为生殖医学的核心内容之一,涵盖了从配子成熟、合子形成到胚胎发育等多个关键生命早期发育过程.随着全球生育力下降趋势的加剧,不孕症患者倾向于选择ARTs以实现生育愿望.同时,人们也越来越关注ARTs可能带来的不利影响.本文旨在讨论目前临床上常用的几种辅助生殖技术[如体外受精(in vitro fertilization,IVF)、卵胞浆内单精子注射(intracytoplasmic sperm injection,ICSI)、双相卵细胞体外成熟(biphasic in vitro maturation,biphasic IVM)、胚胎冷冻及冷冻胚胎复苏移植(frozen embryo transfer,FET)、胚胎植入前遗传学检测(preimplantation genetic testing,PGT)、非侵入性胚胎遗传学检测(non-invasive PGT,niPGT)等]及其前沿发展,重新审视各项技术在以生殖健康为目标的辅助生殖过程中的地位,并进一步讨论辅助生殖技术对子代健康的影响.在保障患者和子代健康的导向下,发展和完善辅助生殖技术,提高技术的高效性和安全性,造福人类生殖健康.

Assisted reproductive technologies(ARTs)are core components of the field of reproductive medicine,encompassing multiple pivotal stages of early development from gamete maturation and fertilization to embryo development.Against the backdrop of a deteriorating trend of global decline in fertility rates,patients with infertility problems increasingly turn to ARTs to realize their dreams of parenthood.However,concomitant with this trend is a growing apprehension regarding the potential adverse effects of ARTs.Herein,we endeavor to discuss several common ARTs procedures utilized in clinical settings and the relevant cutting-edge advancements.The ARTs discussed in the article include in vitro fertilization(IVF),intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI),biphasic in vitro maturation(biphasic IVM),frozen embryo transfer(FET),preimplantation genetic testing(PGT),non-invasive PGT(niPGT),etc.In addition,we reevaluated their roles within the broader context of assisted reproduction aimed at promoting reproductive health.Additionally,we will delve into the impact of ARTs on the reproductive health of the offspring.By prioritizing the reproductive well-being of both patients and their offspring,the ongoing development and improvement of ARTs to enhance their efficacy and safety will contribute significantly to the advancement of human reproductive health.


复旦大学附属妇产科医院 生殖与发育研究院 (上海 200030)复旦大学附属妇产科医院 生殖与发育研究院 (上海 200030)||上海市生殖与发育重点实验室 (上海 200030)||中国医学科学院 胚胎源性疾病研究创新单元2019RU056 (上海 200030)||浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院 生殖遗传教育部重点实验室 (杭州 310030)


Assisted reproductive technologyReproductive healthin vitro fertilizationIntracytoplasmic sperm injectionPreimplantation genetic testingReview

《四川大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (003)

501-506 / 6


