

Application and Practice of Qingdao City's Integrated Smart Management System for Modern Water Network



With the continuous improvement of urban water network facilities in Qingdao City,the establishment of a comprehensive and accurate water network integration management system has become an urgent requirement for modern urban development.Starting from the goal of"large-scale water network integration",the system covers water supply,drainage,recycled water,and desalination of underground pipelines,focusing on practical operational needs,aiming to build the enterprise-level water network integration smart management system in Shandong Province.The system comprehensively enhances the ability of water resources coordination and allocation,water supply and drainage assurance,water and drought disaster defense,and water ecology governance and protection.Through the development of innovative modules in the system,it has effectively promoted the high-quality development of water affairs in Qingdao City.The application practice of the modern water network integration and smart management system in Qingdao City provides practical experience and case studies for the integration of water network management in super large cities,with significant practical significance and reference value.


青岛水务集团有限公司,山东青岛 266073



Qingdao Citylarge-scale water network integrationmanagement information systemsmart waterhigh quality development

《净水技术》 2024 (0z1)

386-392 / 7

