

Mediating effect of job burnout on occupational stress and subjective well-being among research and development enterprise employees in Minhang of Shanghai


[背景]在创新驱动发展战略的背景下,企业职工的职业紧张、职业倦怠情况日益严重,其对职工主观幸福感的影响值得关注. [目的]厘清研发型企业职工主观幸福感、职业紧张与职业倦怠的现状、分布特征及它们之间的关系,以期帮助职工提高主观幸福感水平. [方法]采用问卷调查法,于上海市闵行区选取 7家含有研发部门的企业的 3366名职工作为研究对象,采用幸福感指数量表(WHO-5)调查研究对象的幸福感水平,得分范围为 0~25分,总分越高反映幸福感水平越高;以简明职业紧张问卷(JDC)中文版、职业倦怠通用版量表(MBI-GS)中文版调查研究对象的职业紧张、职业倦怠水平;并以幸福感、职业紧张、职业倦怠得分作为数值变量纳入结构方程模型分析三者之间的关系. [结果]研发型企业职工主观幸福感得分为 13.30±6.09.职业紧张得分为 1.12±0.45,存在职业紧张的职工占比为 44.4%.职业倦怠得分 2.18±1.12,存在职业倦怠的职工占比 70.9%,存在重度职业倦怠的职工占比 11.7%.不同性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、户籍、工龄、工作性质的研发型企业职工主观幸福感得分比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);不同性别、文化程度、婚姻状况、工龄、工作性质的研发型企业职工职业紧张率比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);不同性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、户籍、工龄、工作性质的研发型企业职工职业倦怠率比较,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05).研发型企业职工主观幸福感与职业紧张得分呈负相关(r=-0.1747,P<0.01),主观幸福感与职业倦怠得分呈负相关(r=-0.2987,P<0.01),职业紧张与职业倦怠得分呈正相关(r=0.3342,P<0.01).研发型企业职工职业倦怠在职业紧张和主观幸福感之间的部分中介作用结构方程成立,且部分中介效应占总效应的比例为52.5%. [结论]研发型企业职工职业倦怠在职业紧张对主观幸福感的影响存在部分中介作用,降低职业倦怠水平将有助于缓解职工职业紧张,从而提高其主观幸福感.

[Background]Under the backdrop of the national innovation-driven development strategy,the increasing occupational stress and job burnout among employees are noteworthy for their impact on employees'subjective well-being. [Objective]To clarify the status,distribution characteristics,and the relationship between sub-jective well-being,occupational stress,and job burnout of employees in research and development(R&D)enterprises,in order to improve their subjective well-being. [Methods]A total of 3366 employees from R&D departments at 7 enterprises in Minhang District of Shanghai were selected.The well-being level of the research subjects was investigated by using the World Health Organization Well-Being Index(WHO-5)that yielded total scores from 0 to 25,and a higher total score indicated a higher well-being level;the levels of occupational stress and job burnout were investigated by using the Chinese version of the Job Content Questionnaire,and the Chinese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey(MBI-GS).The scores of WHO-5,JDC,and MBI-GS were incorporated into structural equation modeling(SEM)as numerical variables to analyze their relationship. [Results]The scores of subjective well-being,occupational stress,and job burnout of employees in the R&D enterprises were 13.30±6.09,1.12±0.45,and 2.18±1.12,respectively.The positive rates of occupational stress and job burnout were 44.4%and 70.9%respectively,and the positive rate of severe job burnout was 11.7%.There were statistically significant differences in the score of subjective well-being among the participants by gender,age,educational level,marital status,registered residence,working seniority,and jobs(P<0.05);there were statistically significant differences in the positive rate of occupational stress by gender,educational level,marital status,working seniority,and jobs(P<0.05);there were statistically significant differences in the positive rate of job burnout by gender,age,educational level,marital status,registered residence,working seniority,and jobs(P<0.05).There was a negative correlation between subjective well-being and occupational stress(r=-0.1747,P<0.01),a negative correlation between subjective well-being and job burnout(r=-0.2987,P<0.01),and a positive correlation between occupational stress and job burnout(r=0.3342,P<0.01).A structural equation containing partial mediating effect of job burnout on the relationship between occupational stress and subjective well-being was established,and the partial effect accounting for 52.5%of the total effect. [Conclusion]The job burnout among employees in R&D companies partially mediates the impact of occupational stress on subjective well-being.Reducing the level of job burnout will help alleviate occupational stress and thus improve employees'subjective well-being.


复旦大学公共卫生学院预防医学与健康教育教研室,上海 200032上海市闵行区疾病预防控制中心,上海 201101



subjective well-beingoccupational stressjob burnoutmediating effectresearch and development enterprise

《环境与职业医学》 2024 (005)

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