

Identification of NAC Gene Family and Its Response Analysis Under Drought Stress in Pisum sativum


NAC是植物特有的一类重要的转录因子,在植物生长发育及抗逆响应中发挥着重要作用.本研究通过与拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)和大豆(Glycine max)的基因组进行序列比对,在豌豆(Pisum sativum)基因组中鉴定出84个NAC基因,不均匀地分布在7条染色体上,分为13个亚家族,所有亚家族成员的N端均含有高度保守的序列,C端为高度可变的序列,同一个亚家族成员的保守基序类型和数量较相似,且含有特定的保守基序;大多数基因含有3个外显子;分别有29和50个PsNAC基因与拟南芥和大豆基因组存在种间共线性;79个基因至少含有1个与干旱、低温等非生物胁迫相关的作用元件;干旱胁迫表达谱表明,60个PsNAC基因对干旱胁迫具有明显响应,分别有75.0%和81.7%的基因在干旱胁迫的初期和后期出现明显的响应,表明PsNAC基因在豌豆干旱的不同时期均具有重要的作用.其中有5个PsNAC基因在干旱胁迫48h后的地上部或根系具有较高的响应水平.本研究分析了豌豆NAC基因家族成员信息,为鉴定和筛选抗旱基因提供了参考.

The NAC is one of the plant specific transcription factor and plays a key role in plant growth,development and stress responses.In this study,84 NAC genes were identified from Pisum sativum genome database by sequence alignment using the NAC family genes of Arabidopsis thaliana and Glycine max.They were distributed unevenly on 7 chromosomes and divided into 13 subfamilies.All subfamily members had highly homologous sequences at the N-terminal region and highly divergent sequences at the C-terminal region.Members of the same subfamily had similar types and quantities of conserved motifs,and contain specific conserved motifs.Most NAC genes contained 3 exons.There were 29 and 50 NAC genes in the pea genome,which were collinear with the NAC genes in the Arabidopsis and soybean genome,respectively.Seventy-nine genes contained at least one abiotic stress related element such as drought responsive element and low-temperature responsive element.The drought stress expression profile showed that 60 PsNAC genes had obvious response to drought stress.75.0%and 81.7%of the 60 PsNAC showed significant response in the early stage and late stage of drought stress,respectively,indicating that PsNAC gene played an important role in different stages of drought in peas.Among them,five PsNAC genes had higher response level in the shoot or root within 48 h of drought stress.This study analyzed the information of PsNAC gene family members which could provide a reference for further research on identification of stress resistance related genes.


山西农业大学高寒区作物研究所,大同 037000山西农业大学高寒区作物研究所,大同 037000||山西农业大学农学院,晋中 030600山西农业大学社会服务部,太原 030000



PeaNAC gene familyBioinformatics analysisDrought stress

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (007)

1504-1517 / 14


