

Research on Construction Technology of Long-Distance Pipe-Jacking Crossing River Pond Without Relay Space


顶管长距离顶进多设置中继间,以保障顶进顺利进行,中继间的设置将提升施工成本,增加施工流程,造成工期延长.对此,研究以济南玉清湖水库至鹊华水厂调水工程为依托,开展顶管无中继间长距离下穿河塘施工技术研究,成功实现了 700 m无中继间长距离顶进,研究得到以下结论:无中继间顶进使工作井需要提供更大的顶推力,利用双拼围檩整体连接、底板加厚可提升工作井的整体性;混浆石地层掘进时可利用岩渣形态进行地质判定,并优化泥浆管道、间歇顶进,以降低堵管等风险;研究通过数值模拟给出了长距离下穿河塘的顶进参数,保障了施工的顺利进行.研究成果对长距离下穿河塘顶管施工具有良好的借鉴意义.

When pipe jacking is carried out over long distances,relay rooms are usually installed to ensure smooth jacking.The installation of relay rooms will increase the construction cost,increase the construction process,and extend the construction period.In this regard,based on the water diversion project from Jinan Yuqing Lake Reservoir to Quehua Water Plant,the study carried out research on the construction technology of long-distance pipe jacking without relays to penetrate the river pond,and successfully realized 700m long-distance jacking without relays.The study came to the following conclusion:Jacking without relays requires the working shaft to provide greater jacking force.The integral connection of double purlins and thickening of the bottom plate can improve the integrity of the working shaft;it can be used when digging into mixed stone strata.The rock slag shape was geologically determined,and mud pipes and intermittent jacking were optimized to reduce risks such as pipe blockage.The study used numerical simulation to provide jacking parameters for long-distance cross-river ponds,ensuring the smooth progress of the construction.The research results have good reference significance for the construction of pipe jacking under long-distance rivers and ponds.


中国电建集团山东电力管道工程有限公司,山东 济南 250021



Municipal engineeringconstruction parameterspipe jacking constructionno relay roomlong distancecrossing river pond

《陕西水利》 2024 (006)

123-126 / 4
