

Prestack Inversion Method with ATpV Regularization Based on Reweighted L1


地震叠前反演能够准确获取地下储层介质的各类参数,是油气的勘探与开发中重要技术之一.然而,地震反演是典型的病态问题,为了克服此问题,通常使用正则化约束目标函数,来减轻反演问题的病态性.但是正则化约束忽略了地层边界的振幅信息,使用重加权方法可以很好地克服这一问题,更好地恢复稀疏性.提出了一种基于重加权L1的ATpV正则化叠前三参数反演方法(ATpV-L1方法),首次将重加权L1方法与ATpV方法结合,并引入到叠前反演中.采用交替方向乘子算法(ADMM)建立反演框架,对目标函数进行分块优化,有效提高了收敛速度.首先,介绍ATpV-L1方法,建立了基于ATpV-L1的叠前反演目标函数;然后,应用理论模拟数据对比新方法和ATpV方法反演结果,验证了方法的效果;最后,使用实际数据进行实验分析,进一步验证了 ATpV-L1方法的反演精度及可行性.实验结果表明,提出的ATpV-L1方法可以有效恢复反演结果的稀疏性,提高反演精度.

Seismic prestack inversion can accurately obtain various parameters of underground reservoir media,and is one of the important technologies in oil and gas exploration and development.Due to unknown natural fators,seismic inversion is a typical ill-conditioned problem,and a regularization constraint objective function is usually used to alleviate the ill-conditioned inversion problem.However,the regularization constraint ignores the amplitude information of the stratigraphic boundary,and the reweighting method can overcome this problem well and restore the sparsity better.A pre-stack three-parameter in-version method for ATpV regularization based on reweighted L1(ATpV-L1 method)is proposed.The reweighted L1 method is combined with ATpV regularization for the first time and introduced into the pre-stack inversion.The Alternating direction multiplier algorithm(ADMM)is used to establish the inversion framework,and the objective function is optimized in blocks,which effectively improves the convergence speed.The manuscript first introduces the ATpV-L1 method,and establishes the pre-stack inversion objective function based on ATpV-L1.Then the theoretical model data is used to compare the inversion results of the new method and the ATpV regularization method,and the effect of this method is verified.Finally,the actual data is used for experimental analysis,which further verifies the inversion accuracy of the new method and verifies the feasibility of the method.The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively recover the sparsity of the inversion results and improve the inversion accuracy.


西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院,四川 成都 610500中国石油西南油气田公司页岩气研究院,四川成都 610056



reweighted L1 methodATpV regularizationprestack inversionsparse constraintADMMerror analysis

《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (003)

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