

Optimization of Double-layer Targets and Benefit Evaluation for Deep Shale Gas Horizontal Wells


川南泸州地区五峰组—龙马溪组深层(>3 500 m)页岩气富集,为保障页岩气增产稳产的开发目标,需要实现龙一1亚段页岩气的立体动用.利用岩芯、测井及生产等资料,对研究区深层页岩气地层开展了储层特征、储层品质定量化评价及压裂高度模拟等方面的研究,结合储层品质定量化评价和压裂高度模拟建立了一种深层页岩气水平井双层靶体智能优选及效益评估方法.研究结果表明:1)龙一1亚段由深到浅整体物性变差,龙一11—龙一31小层以Ⅰ类甜点为主,龙一41小层以Ⅱ类甜点为主,厚度达40余米.2)深层页岩气储层水平井靶体智能优选方法可快速得到两套靶体优选的深度、甜点品质、压裂高度和水平井靶体效益评估Q值等信息.3)第一套靶体效益评估的平面优势区域与目前产量高的井区相符合,结合龙一41小层的靶体效益评估Q值和部分已建立第二套靶体水平井的实际产量,认为川南深层页岩气储层第二套靶体具有一定的开发价值和潜力,且明确了两套靶体平面上的优势区域,为深层页岩气储层双层靶体的规模化实现及产量预测提供了依据.

The deep(>3 500 m)shale gas is enriched in Wufeng Formation-Longmaxi Formation in Luzhou Area,southern Sichuan.In order to ensure the goal of increasing and stable production of shale gas,it is necessary to realize the three-dimensional production of L1 submember shale gas.The data of core,logging and production are used to study the reservoir characteristics,quantitative evaluation of reservoir quality and simulation of fracturing height of deep shale gas formations in the study area.Combining with quantitative evaluation of reservoir quality and simulation of fracturing height,an intelligent optimization and benefit evaluation method of double-layer targets for deep shale gas horizontal wells is established.The results show that:1)the overall physical properties of Long-1 subsection become worse from deep to shallow,L11—L31 layer is dominated by first-class desserts,and L41 layer is dominated by second-class sweet spot,with a thickness of more than 40 meters;2)the intelligent optimization method of horizontal well target in deep shale gas reservoir can quickly obtain two sets of information such as optimal depth,sweet spot quality,fracturing height and target benefit evaluation(Q)of horizontal well;3)the plane dominant area of the first set of target benefit evaluation is consistent with the current high production well area,considering the target benefit evaluation Q value of L41 small layer and the actual production of the second set of target horizontal wells that have been established,we predicted that the second set of targets in the deep shale gas reservoir in southern Sichuan has a certain development value and potential,and defined the dominant areas on the two sets of target planes.The study provides a basis for large-scale realization and production prediction of double-layer targets in deep shale gas reservoirs.


西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院,四川成都 610500||油气藏地质及开发工程全国重点实验室·西南石油大学,四川成都 610500中国石油西南油气田公司页岩气研究院,四川成都 610051中国石油西南油气田公司,四川成都 610051



deep shale gasdouble-layer targethorizontal wellreservoir qualityfracturing heighttarget selection

《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (003)

37-49 / 13


