

A Study on the Performance of Mathematical Deductive Reasoning Competence Based on Bookmark Standard Setting Method


为了深入分析八年级学生的数学演绎推理能力表现情况,了解不同性别、不同学校地域学生的表现差异.通过Bookmark方法开展标准设定,基于IRT技术获得学生数学演绎推理能力表现的水平比例.结果显示,有 30%的学生达到最高水平,有超过 17%的学生处在低水平,尚未达到课程标准要求.总体表现中女生成绩略好于男生,但在水平分布上呈现明显差异性,女生较男生更稳定.城市和县镇学生的能力表现明显好于农村地区学生,3类地域的学生水平分布也呈现明显不同,农村地区高水平人数比例最低,且不合格水平人数比例高于高水平学生比例.结果表明需要关注数学演绎推理能力在性别、地域上的表现差异,教育测量评价研究中开展标准设定工作对测评结果分析有重要作用.

Standard setting was carried out through Bookmark method to obtain the level ratio of students'performance in mathematical deductive reasoning competence.The IRT technique was used to measure the deductive reasoning competence of 58,532 grade 8 students.The results showed that 30 percent of students have achieved the highest level,while more than 17 percent were at a low level and have not yet meeting the course standard requirements.The overall performance of girls is slightly better than that of boys;but there is a significant difference in the level distribution,and girls are more stable than boys.The competence performance of students in cities and counties is significantly better than that of students in rural areas,and the level distribution of students in the three types of regions is also significantly different.The proportion of high-level students in rural areas is the lowest,and the proportion of unqualified students is higher than the proportion of high-level students.The results show that it is necessary to pay attention to the gender and regional differences in students'performance of mathematical deductive reasoning competence.Standard setting work in educational measurement and evaluation research plays an important role in the analysis of evaluation results.


吉林师范大学 数学与计算机学院,吉林 四平 136000北京师范大学 教育学部,北京 100875



bookmarkstandard settingdeductive reasoningreasoning competence

《数学教育学报》 2024 (003)

28-33,70 / 7

