

Research on the Revision of China's Marine Economic Industry Classification



The construction of a strong maritime country cannot be separated from the support of high-quality marine economic statistics.A scientific and reasonable marine economic industry classification is the basis of marine economic statistics.China's Industrial Classification for Ocean Industries and Their Related Activities(2021)reflects the idea of constructing internal satellite accounts.Although the progress is remarkable,there is still a significant gap with the international statistical rules,the System of National Accounts(SNA)satellite account preparation idea,which hinders the efficient use of marine economic statistical data in the long run.The paper generalizes and extracts the practical application of various satellite accounts constructed based on the idea of SNA satellite account compilation in academia,and proposes that the classification system that breaks through the central framework and reflects externalities is the key to the classification construction of marine economic industries.By the comparative analysis of the classification principle,industry composition,industry statistical scope,and accounting rules of the marine economic classification between China and the United States,it is found that both of them reflect the characteristics of internal satellite accounts,neither meets the requirements of external satellite accounts compilation,and the marine economic data of China and the United States are completely incommensurable.Based on the experience summary and comparative analysis,and under the external satellite accounts perspective,it is proposed that China's marine economic industry classification should be upgraded from the perspectives of the identification of auxiliary production activities and secondary products,the classification related to externalities accounting,and the classification related to non-market activities accounting.


青岛大学经济学院,山东 青岛 266000



marine economic industry classificationsatellite account compilationmarine economic externalitiesSNA

《中国国土资源经济》 2024 (006)

79-88 / 10


