

Preparation of polyamide 6 microfiber reinforced polypropylene composite and its property of chemical foam injection molding


将原位成纤(INF)和化学注塑发泡(CFIM)技术结合,研究了相容剂对聚丙烯/聚酰胺6(PP/PA6)复合材料微纤形貌、黏弹性、力学性能和CFIM行为的影响.结果表明,PP-g-MAH相容剂的加入显著减小了PA6分散相尺寸,得到平均直径约265 nm的PA6微纤均匀分布于PP基体中,微纤网络结构的存在和相界面的协同增强效应显著提高了INF复合材料力学强度,拉伸强度相比纯PP提升26.2%,冲击强度相比纯PP提升62%;基于自制的吸-放热平衡化学发泡剂的CFIM实验,制备出泡孔尺寸62 μm、泡孔密度近5×105个/cm³的INF复合泡沫制品,实现了12%样品减重的同时,相比纯PP泡沫,比拉伸强度提高了17%,比冲击强度提高了46%.

T he effect of compatibilizer on the nanofibril morphology,viscoelasticity,mechanical properties,and CFIM behavior of polypropylene(PP)/nylon6(PA6)composite through a combination of in-situ fibrillation(INF)and chemi-cal foam injection molding(CFIM)technologies.The results indicated that the addition of PP-g-MAH compatibilizer re-duced the size of PA6 dispersion phase significantly,and PA6 microfibers were uniformly distributed in the PP matrix with an average diameter of about 265nm.The existence of a microfiber network structure and the synergistic enhance-ment effect of phase interface improved the mechanical strength of INF composites significantly.The tensile strength and impact strength of the composites are 26.2% and 62% higher than those of pure PP,respectively.Based on the CFIM experiment using the self-made endothermic-exothermic equilibrium chemical foaming agent,the INF composite foam product was prepared with a cell size of 62 μm and a cell density of nearly 5×105 cells/cm3.The as-prepared sample ob-tained a decrease in the weight by 12% .Compared to pure PP foam,the composite foam exhibited an increase in the specific tensile strength and impact strength by 17% and 46%,respectively.


郑州大学机械与动力工程学院,郑州 450001||微纳成型技术国家级国际联合研究中心,郑州 450001郑州大学机械与动力工程学院,郑州 450001微纳成型技术国家级国际联合研究中心,郑州 450001



polypropylenein-situ fibrillationchemical foam injection moldingcell structuremechanical property

《中国塑料》 2024 (006)

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