

Analysis of laboratory tests and prevention strategies for hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn caused by anti-M


目的 分析血清学检测结果在抗-M致胎儿新生儿溶血病(HDFN)诊断和治疗中的应用,探讨HDFN预防策略.方法 对 2017 年 1 月—2023 年 12 月本实验室确诊的 12 例抗-M引起的HDFN血清学检测结果进行回顾性分析,包括母亲和患儿的血型鉴定,血清总胆红素、血红蛋白、抗体效价检测,新生儿溶血 3 项实验.收集患儿和母亲的临床资料,包括妊娠史、输血史、产前抗体检测、宫内输血史、分娩孕周,并随访患儿预后.结果 12 例抗-M引起的HDFN中,患儿母亲均为RhD+NN表型,患儿均为RhD+MN表型,母子MN血型均不相容.在ABO血型系统中,母子ABO血型不相容占 41.7%(5/12).患儿母亲皆无输血史,在 4℃检测效价中位数 32,37℃效价中位数 4.3 例患儿母亲有多次宫内输血史,发生率为 25%(3/12).1 例为首胎妊娠异常,占比 8.3%(1/12),7 例为异常妊娠流产,不良孕产史发生率 58.3%(7/12).6 例患儿母亲早产,占比 50%(6/12).3 例患儿母亲定期产检,并鉴定抗体特异性,占比 25%(3/12).12 例患儿游离抗体在 4℃检测效价中位数 6,37℃效价中位数 2.2 例患儿抗-M在 37℃检测无反应,阴性率 16.7%(2/12).患儿直抗阳性率 8.3%(1/12),放散阳性率 16.7%(2/12).血红蛋白最低值中位数 75 g/L,12 例患儿均接受了输血治疗.总胆红素峰值中位数 157.5 μmol/L,均未达到换血阈值.患儿迟发性贫血率 16.7%(2/12),患儿出生后死亡率 8.3%(1/12),11 例患儿预后无生长和神经发育迟缓情况.结论 抗-M能引起严重的HDFN,也可发生于第 1 胎,抗体效价强度与疾病的严重程度不相关,容易引起迟发性贫血,应根据抗-M血清学特征和临床症状定期监测,及时干预治疗.

Objective To analyze the application of serological test results in the diagnosis and treatment of anti-M-in-duced hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn(HDFN),and to explore HDFN prevention strategies.Methods The se-rological test results of 12 cases of HDFN caused by anti-M diagnosed in our laboratory from January 2017 to December 2023 were retrospectively analyzed,including blood group identification of mothers and children,serum total bilirubin/hemoglo-bin/antibody titer test,and three hemolysis tests in newborns.Clinical data of the children and mothers were collected,in-cluding pregnancy history,blood transfusion history,prenatal antibody testing,history of intrauterine blood transfusion and gestational week of delivery,and the prognosis of the children was followed up.Results All 12 cases of fetal neonatal he-molytic disease due to anti-M were RhD+MN phenotype newborn born to RhD+NN mother,with maternal-fetal incompati-blility in MN blood groups.In the ABO blood group system,ABO incompatibility between mother and child accounted for 41.7%(5/12).None of the mothers had a history of blood transfusion,and the median titer of the test at 4℃was 32,and the median titer at 37℃was 4.The mothers of 3 cases had a history of multiple intrauterine blood transfusions,with an inci-dence of 25%(3/12).One case had an abnormal first pregnancy,with an incidence of 8.3%(1/12),and seven cases had an abnormal pregnancy with a miscarriage,with an incidence of abnormal pregnancy and birth history of 58.3%(7/12).There were 6 cases of premature labor,with an incidence of 50%(6/12).The mothers in three cases underwent regular ob-stetric examination and the specificity of the antibodies was determined,accounting for 25%(3/12).Twelve children had free antibodies with a median titer of 6 at 4℃and 2 at 37℃.Two children had anti-M antibodies that were not reactive at 37℃,with a negative rate of 16.7%(2/12).The positive rate of DAT and elution test was respectively 8.3%(1/12)and 16.7%(2/12)in the children.The median minimum hemoglobin value was 75 g/L,and all 12 children received blood transfusions.The median peak total bilirubin value was 157.5 μmol/L,and none of them reached the threshold for blood ex-change.The rate of delayed anemia was16.7%(2/12),the postnatal mortality rate was8.3%(1/12),and 11 children was free of growth and neurodevelopmental delay in prognosis.Conclusion Anti-M can cause severe HDFN,which can also oc-cur in primigravida.The intensity of antibody titer does not correlate with the severity of the disease,and it is prone to cause delayed anemia,which should be monitored regularly according to the serological characteristics of anti-M and clinical symp-toms,and should be treated timely.


河南省红十字血液中心,河南 郑州 450000郑州大学附属儿童医院达州市中心医院



anti-Mhemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn(HDFN)prevention strategy

《中国输血杂志》 2024 (006)

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