

Ethical challenges and countermeasures in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in medical institutions



Medical institutions are not only the research and development end,but also the application end of innovative achievements,which makes the transformation of medical scientific and technological achievements different from the others in colleges and universities.It also faces new problems and challenges in ethical governance.Meanwhile,the ethics of promoting the transformation of medical scientific and technological achievements also needs to be paid attention to and maintained.Improving people's health level and quality of life are the ultimate ethical goals of process supervision.The objectives,systems,and behaviors of ethical evaluation need to have their own emphasis to avoid repeated evaluation,improve evaluation efficiency,and ensure the ethics of evaluation work itself.This paper discusses the specific classification and common forms of ethical challenges in the supervision of the transformation process of achievements in medical institutions.It is suggested to focus on ethical values to improve the legal system,clarify the relationship between the public welfare and transformation profitability of medical institutions,and explore new positions of the transformation advantages in medical institutions.


首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院科技处,北京 100050首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院办公室,北京 100050


medical institutiontransformation of scientific and technological achievementscientific and technological ethicsethical governanceintellectual property right

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (005)

499-506 / 8


