

Investigation of the current situation and discussion on countermeasures of scientific research integrity among researchers in a tertiary A hospital


目的 通过调研科研人员科研诚信认知情况、对科研诚信的行为态度、科研诚信发生的原因等,找出关键影响因素和风险点,从而提出有针对性的科研诚信建设管理思路.方法 采用网络调查问卷的方式对某三级甲等医院临床科研人员进行科研诚信政策认知、科研失信行为做法态度及失信原因等调查.结果 共回收问卷 1 385 份,有效问卷 1 253 份,男性 246 人,女性 1 007 人,年龄在 20~60 岁之间,平均年龄(37.98±8.97)岁.科研诚信相关政策平均知晓率为 39.44%.科研人员认为科研失信行为风险点前三位为论文投稿、委托第三方服务、科研经费使用的问题.根据不同调查对象涉及的科研工作不同,将违反科研行为规范态度调查内容根据基本资料中人员属性设定应答人群,共分为四组.科研诚信政策认知情况与第一组和第三组中的科研失信行为态度呈负相关关系;发表 SCI论文情况、科研诚信政策认知情况与第二组科研失信行为态度均呈负相关关系;年龄、发表 SCI论文情况与第四组中的科研失信行为态度有关,其中与发表 SCI论文情况呈负相关,与年龄呈正相关.结论 科研诚信学习培训及政策知晓率不高,应进一步提高科研诚信政策认知度;科研活动关键环节仍存在风险和问题,需加强科研活动全流程的诚信管理;应树立科研人员正确的科学价值观,完善科研评价体系,营造良好的科研环境.

Objective:By investigating the awareness situation of scientific research integrity among scientific researchers,their behavior and attitudes towards scientific research integrity,and the reasons for the occurrence of scientific research integrity,to identify the key influencing factors and risk points,and propose targeted management ideas for scientific research integrity construction.Methods:A web-based questionnaire was used to survey the awareness of scientific research integrity policies,behavior and attitude,and reasons for dishonest behavior in scientific research among scientific researchers at a tertiary A hospital.Results:A total of 1,385 questionnaires were recovered,with 1,253 valid questionnaires.There were 246 males and 1,007 females,aged between 20 and 60 years old,with an average age of(37.98±8.97)years old.The average awareness rate of policies related to scientific research integrity was 39.44%.Scientific researchers believe that the top three risk points for dishonest behavior in scientific research were paper submission,entrusting third-party services,and the use of research funds.According to the different scientific research work involved by different survey subjects,the respondent population was set up with the attributes of the personnel in the basic information of the survey content on attitudes toward violating scientific research behavior norms,and was divided into four groups.The awareness situation of scientific research integrity policies was negatively correlated with the attitudes towards dishonest behavior in scientific research in the first and third groups.Publication of SCI papers and the awareness situation of scientific research integrity policies were negatively correlated with attitudes towards dishonest behavior in scientific research in the second group.Age and publication of SCI papers were related to attitudes towards dishonest behavior in scientific research in the fourth group,which were negatively correlated with the publication of SCI papers and positively correlated with age.Conclusion:The learning and training,and the rate of policy awareness of scientific research integrity were not high,and the awareness of scientific research integrity policies should be further improved.There are still risks and problems in the key links of scientific research activities,and it is necessary to strengthen the integrity management of the whole process of scientific research activities,establish the correct scientific values of scientific researchers,improve the scientific research evaluation system,and create a good scientific research environment.


首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院科技处,北京 100730首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科,北京 100730


scientific researcherscientific research integrityscientific research activitiesscientific research evaluation system

《中国医学伦理学》 2024 (005)

526-534 / 9

