

Traditional Chinese medicine prevention and treatment of"inflammation cancer transformation"of chronic gastritis based on the perspective of"eighteen-character formula"from national medical master LU Zhizheng



The"eighteen-character formula"encapsulates the clinical wisdom of the national medical master,Prof.LU Zhizheng,and provides crucial guidance for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.The"inflammation cancer transformation"of chronic gastritis is a multifaceted process involving multiple factors,stages,and mechanisms.Drawing upon Prof.LU Zhizheng's"eighteen-character formula"to explore its pathogenesis and therapeutic strategies holds substantial theoretical and clinical value.Within Prof.LU Zhizheng's academic framework,the concept of"holding the center and moving the periphery"underscores the pivotal role of the spleen and stomach,"benefiting the emotions and smoothing the qi activity"highlights the relationship between liver and stomach,liver and spleen,spleen and stomach,and"mediating moisture and dryness,restoring the normal function of spleen and stomach"reflects the balance between dryness and moisture,mutual assistance between yin and yang,aiming to restore the normal digestive and transport functions of spleen and stomach.In the clinical management of"inflammation cancer transformation"in chronic gastritis,it is imperative to focus on the spleen and stomach as the foundation,ensuring the health of the five zang-fu organs by the activation of peripheral functions;to base treatment on the balance of qi and blood,establishing vital activities by the regulation of ascending and descending movements;and to adhere to the principles of yin and yang,ensuring the normal digestive and transportive functions of the spleen and stomach by the harmonization of moisture and dryness.Our team,inspired by Prof.LU Zhizheng's theoretical framework and medicinal expertise,has developed a compound herbal formula known as Manpi Xiao.Clinical and foundational research have shown that Manpi Xiao effectively prevents and treats the malignant progression of precancerous lesions to gastric cancer,further affirming the clinical significance and value of Prof.LU Zhizheng's"eighteen-character formula".


北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100700北京中医药大学国家中医体质与治未病研究院北京中医药大学中医学院



LU Zhizhengeighteen-character formulachronic gastritisinflammation cancer transformation

《北京中医药大学学报》 2024 (006)

792-796 / 5

国家重点研发计划项目(No.2018YFC1704106);北京市科技计划课题(No.Z221100007922047);国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.82374292) National Key R&D Program of China(No.2018YFC1704106)

