

Etiology,pathogenesis,and treatment ideas for post-stroke cognitive impairment based on the"season-visceral-related"theory



The"season-visceral-related"theory originated from Huangdi Neijing,and its content contains the"holism of five viscera"and"correspondence between nature and humans"in the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Recently,the prevalence of post-stroke cognitive impairment(PSCI)has gradually increased with the increasing incidence of stroke.TCM believes that PSCI is located in the brain,however,the causative factors such as phlegm,depression,deficiency,and stasis are caused by the lesions of the five zang viscera.Therefore,PSCI can not be treated with the brain alone.Based on the"season-visceral-related"theory,this article discusses the etiology,pathogenesis,and treatment ideas for PSCI from the four seasons and five zang viscera.Xiaoyao Pill was selected as a treatment for patients with qi imbalance in spring to disperse stagnated liver qi to relieve qi stagnation.Tianwang Buxin Dan was selected as a treatment for patients with blood loss and spirit injury in the summer to nourish the blood and calm the heart and brain.Kaixin Powder was selected as a treatment for patients with spleen deficiency and phlegm blockage in late summer to strengthen the spleen,awaken the mind,and remove stasis.Wenfei Jiangzhuo Decoction was selected as a treatment for patients with qi deficiency and spirit departure in autumn to nourish the lungs,reduce turbidity,and nourish the mind.Dihuang Yinzi was selected as a treatment for patients with marrow reduction and internal toxin in winter to expel phlegm and fill the mind.Treating PSCI using the"season-visceral-related"theory reflects the overall concept of TCM and the hypothesis of syndrome differentiation and treatment and provides novel method for treating PSCI.


黑龙江中医药大学 哈尔滨 150036黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院中医成果转化中心黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院针灸二科



"season-visceral-related"theorypost-stroke cognitive impairmentcognitive impairmenttraditional Chinese medicine theory

《北京中医药大学学报》 2024 (006)

802-807 / 6

黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(No.LH2021H091);黑龙江省第二批省级名中医专家传承工作室建设项目 Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province(No.LH2021H091)

