

Clinical discussion on the application of invigorating spleen and benefiting qi and controlling blood method for the treatment of cancer therapy-related thrombopenia



Cancer therapy-related thrombopenia,which is called"medicinal poison purpura"in tradi-tional Chinese medicine,is a common hematologic adverse reaction during oncology treatment that is dif-ficult to treat due to the differences in oncology treatments and the complexity of the pathogenesis,resul-ting in various degrees of thrombocytopenia.Based on the theory that"spleen controlling blood",this pa-per believes that"medicinal poison purpura"is mainly caused by direct damage to the blood and qi by medicinal poison,leading to qi and blood deficiency;it also attacks the spleen and stomach,resulting in the deficiency of spleen qi and no source of qi and blood production.Due to the spleen deficiency,there is no essence to nourish kidney and bone marrow;their function of generating blood decreases,eventually it becomes"medicinal poison purpura".The theory of"regulating balance and flat regulation"is an im-portant academic idea of our team in the treatment of malignant hematological tumors.In this paper,we have systematically elaborated on the etiology,pathogenesis,and therapeutic principles of the treatment of cancer therapy-related thrombopenia with spleen deficiency pattern through the collation of relevant lit-erature.We believe that the prescription formulated according to the method of invigorating spleen and benefiting qi and controlling blood for the treatment of cancer therapy-associated thrombocytopenia with spleen deficiency pattern is in line with the principle of correspondence between prescription and syn-drome,and correspondence between drugs and syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine,which is theo-retically feasible and has a high clinical application value.


北京中医药大学东直门医院血液肿瘤科 北京 100700



cancer therapy-related thrombopeniamedicinal poison purpurainvigorating spleen and ben-efiting qi and controlling blood methodspleen controlling blood

《北京中医药大学学报》 2024 (006)

808-812 / 5

国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(No.81703903);国家中医药管理局高水平中医药重点学科建设项目——中医血液病学(No.zyyzdxk-2023268);北京中医药大学东直门医院临床研究和成果转化能力提升试点项目(No.DZMG-ZJXY-23014) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81703903)

