

Single-Point Corona Discharge Location Method of Transmission Line Based on MEM and TS-PSO


随着输电线路电压等级的提高,其电晕放电造成的电磁环境问题尤为突出.为了获得输电线路电晕放电点的位置,本研究利用4个特高频传感器组成阵列,通过时差定位原理进行定位.研究了基于能量最小值法(Minimum Energy Method,MEM)对检测信号到达时刻的准确计算,构建了将定位方程组转换为求解放电坐标的非线性规划问题,提出了利用禁忌搜索—粒子群优化(Ta-bu Search Particle Swarm Optimization,TS-PSO)算法进行求解,解决了传统时差定位非线性方程组求解算法不收敛、不唯一和要求初值的问题.试验结果表明:本研究算法定位结果准确,算法求解速度提高45.7%,定位精度相比传统算法提高67%.

With the improvement of the voltage level of transmission lines,the electromagnetic environ-ment problems caused by corona discharge are particularly prominent.In order to obtain the position of the corona discharge point on the transmission line,this article uses an array of four ultra-high frequen-cy sensors to locate it using the time difference positioning principle.We studied the accurate calculation of the arrival time of the detection signal based on the minimum energy method(MEM),constructed a nonlinear programming problem that converts the positioning equation system into solving the discharge coordinates,and proposed the use of tabu search particle swarm optimization(TS-PSO)algorithm to solve the problem.This solved the problem of traditional time difference positioning nonlinear equation system solving algorithm not converging.The problem of non uniqueness and requiring initial values.The experimental results show that the positioning results of the algorithm in this paper are accurate,the algo-rithm's solving speed is improved by 45.7%,and the positioning accuracy is improved by 67%com-pared to traditional algorithms.


北京翼辉信息技术有限公司,北京 100000||西安科技大学,西安 710054广州翼辉信息技术有限公司,广州 510700北京翼辉信息技术有限公司,北京 100000


transmission linescorona dischargeTDOAMEMTS-PSO

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (003)

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国家自然科学基金(编号:51777166);广东省重点研发计划项目:面向高安全领域的硬实时操作系统关键技术研究与示范应用(编号:2020B0101650001).Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(No.51777166);Key R&D Program Projects in Guang-dong Province(No.2020B0101650001).

