

Design of Strong Electromagnetic Pulse Protection Device for 2.4G Antenna


针对强电磁脉冲对天线后端接收机造成损害的问题,本研究基于射频电路设计理论,利用理论与实验相结合的方法,通过理论计算设计出一个中心频率为2 450 MHz,带宽100 MHz,通带内插入损耗小于1.5 dB的微带线带通滤波器,并使用HFSS软件仿真并优化其性能,然后将浪涌防护器件与滤波器组合设计出强电脉冲防护电路,通过电路软件ADS(Advanced Design System)仿真防护电路的S参数,最后制作出实物进行测试.实验表明:设计的电磁脉冲防护装置在2 400-2 500 MHz频段内,插入损耗绝对值小于5dB,回波损耗绝对值大于15 dB,冲击电流为500 A时,射频后端通流小于1.3 A,电流抑制比大于50 dB,能够在不影响天线正常工作的情况下,有效的泄放大电流.研究结果对天线的强电磁脉冲防护设计具有一定的参考价值.

Aiming at the problem that strong electromagnetic pulses cause damage to the receiver at the rear end of the antenna,based on the RF circuit design theory,the author uses the combination of theory and experiment to design a center frequency of 2 450 MHz and a bandwidth of 100 MHz through theoreti-cal calculations.The microstrip line band-pass filter with a loss of less than 1.5 dB is inserted in the passband,and the performance is simulated and optimized by HFSS software,and then the surge protec-tion device and the filter are combined to design a strong pulse protection circuit,and the S parameters of the protection circuit are simulated by the circuit software ADS(Advanced Design System),and finally the physical product is produced for testing.Experiments show that the designed electromagnetic pulse protection device in the 2 400-2 500 MHz frequency band,the absolute value of insertion loss is less than 5 dB,the absolute value of return loss is greater than 15 dB,the inrush current is 500 A,the RF back-end current is less than 1.3 A,and the current suppression ratio is greater than 50 dB,which can effectively discharge amplification current without affecting the normal operation of the antenna.The re-search results have certain reference value for the design of strong electromagnetic pulse protection of an-tennas.


南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京 210044


electromagnetic pulsesfilterssimulationprotection

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (003)

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国家重点研发计划资助(编号:2017YFC1501505).Project supported by National Program on Key Research Project of China(No.2017YFC1501505).

