首页|期刊导航|电瓷避雷器|北京地区10 kV线路雷害及架空地线防雷有效性分析

北京地区10 kV线路雷害及架空地线防雷有效性分析OA

Lightning Damage and Lightning Protection Effectiveness of Overhead Ground Line on 10 kV Lines in Beijing Area


为明确北京地区10kV线路雷害及架空地线防雷有效性,本研究基于我国广域雷电定位系统北京地区2013年至2022年的雷电地闪统计数据,针对北京地区典型10 kV架空线路开展直击雷闪络率、感应雷闪络率和雷击闪络率仿真计算.定量分析在配置架空地线后导线和地线间的净空距离、土壤电阻率和杆塔工频接地电阻这3种关键参数对10 kV架空线路直击雷闪络率、感应雷闪络率和雷击闪络率的影响关系,进而给出北京地区架空地线配置建议.研究成果可为北京地区10 kV线路架空地线防雷应用提供技术支撑.

In order to clarify the lightning damage and the lightning protection effectiveness of overhead ground line of 10 kV line in Beijing area,the author carries out simulation calculations of direct lightning stroke flashover rate and induced lightning stroke flashover rate for 10 kV overhead lines installed with o-verhead ground lines based on the lightning ground flash statistics from 2013 to 2022 in Beijing.Through quantitative analysis,the influence of three key parameters,namely,conductor and ground spacing,soil resistivity and tower frequency grounding resistance,on direct lightning stroke flashover rate,induced lightning stroke flashover rate and lightning stroke flashover rate of 10 kV overhead lines is obtained,and then a proposal for the configuration of overhead ground line in Beijing area is given.The research results can provide technical support for the application of lightning protection for overhead ground line of 10 kV line in Beijing area.


国网北京市电力公司怀柔供电公司,北京 101400中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京 100192||特高压工程技术国家工程研究中心,北京 100192


10 kV overhead lineoverhead groundlightning protectioneffectiveness

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (003)

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国网北京市电力公司科技项目(编号:520214220003).Project supported by the Science and Technology Project of State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company(No.520214220003).

