首页|期刊导航|电瓷避雷器|杆塔档距及相序排列对330 kV同塔双回输电线路反击过电压的影响分析

杆塔档距及相序排列对330 kV同塔双回输电线路反击过电压的影响分析OA

Influence of Tower Span and Phase Sequence Arrangement on the Overvoltage of 330 kV Double-Circuit Transmission Line


330 kV输电线路是我国西北主电网的重要组成,电网的安全稳定运行关乎社会的和谐与稳定.由于330 kV输电线路的送电距离较远,通常可达200 km以上,杆塔的接地状态和档距设置也随地形发生变化.发生雷击时,由于档距会对雷电波沿输电线传播的折反射产生影响,从而影响输电线路的耐雷性能.此外,330 kV线路普遍采用双回路铁塔架设输电线路,沿途存在换相,不同地段的相序不尽相同,因此有必要研究不同的相序排列方式对线路耐雷性能的影响.使用EMTP暂态仿真软件构建330 kV同塔双回输电线路雷电反击模型,分析讨论了不同档距和不同相序对330 kV输电线路雷电反击过电压的影响,可对330 kV线路的防雷设计提供参考.

330 kV transmission line is an important part of the Northwest Power Grid,and its safe and sta-ble operation is related to the harmony and stability of society.Due to the long transmission distance of 330 kV transmission line,which can be more than 200 km,the terrain is complicated,and the span of the same line is not the same.When a lightning strike occurs,the span will affect the refraction and re-flection of the lightning wave propagating along the transmission line,thereby affecting the lightning re-sistance performance of the transmission line.As 330 kV lines generally use double-circuit towers to e-rect transmission lines,the phase sequence in different sections is not the same.Therefore,it is necessa-ry to study the impact of different phase sequence arrangements on the lightning resistance performance of the lines.The author uses EMTP transient simulation software to build a 330 kV double-circuit trans-mission line on the same tower lightning back striking model,discusses and analyzes the impact of diffe-rent span and different phase sequences on the lightning backstroke overvoltage of 330 kV transmission lines.


国网陕西省电力有限公司经济技术研究院,西安 710075国网陕西省电力有限公司,西安 710004西安交通大学电气工程学院,西安7100749

330 kV反击同塔双回档距相序

330 kVback strikingdouble circuitspanphase sequence

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (003)

33-39,47 / 8

