

Ice Melting Process and De Icing Instantaneous Threshold Identification of Lightning Wires with Different Voltage Levels Based on Tension Value


针对目前缺乏对避雷线融冰进程有效识别的现状,同时避雷线相对于其它相线更容易因覆冰发生断线的风险,因此本文利用覆冰期避雷线融冰过程实时拉力监测值,为克服不同型号、档距对拉力基准值的影响,综合考虑融冰过程中水平应力、垂直档距、垂直荷载变化特征,建立单位长度冰重计算模型,结合200条避雷线实际监测融冰拉力值为样本数据,分别研究110、220、500 kV避雷线融冰过程中单位长度冰重变化速率、脱冰瞬间冰重变化概率分布情况.研究表明:不同电压等级避雷线融冰过程单位长度冰重变化率阈值分别为-0.035、-0.049、-0.072 kg/10 min,且概率分别为89.26%、88.04%、90.13%;不同电压等级避雷线脱冰瞬间单位长度冰重变化阈值分别为6.51、8.22、10.26 kg,且概率分别为91.16%、89.72%、88.17%;并采用实际案例验证其本文计算结果的准确性.本研究所得结论,能够为覆冰期避雷线融冰进程、融冰结束时间点有效识别以及防冰加固工程均能提供科学指导意义.

In view of the current situation that there is no effective identification of the ice melting process of the lightning conductor,and the lightning conductor is more likely to break due to icing than other phase lines,the author uses the real-time tension monitoring value of the lightning conductor during the ice melting process,in order to overcome the influence of different models and span on the reference va-lue of tension,and comprehensively consider the variation characteristics of horizontal stress,vertical span and vertical load in the ice melting process,establishes the ice weight calculation model per unit length.Combined with the actual monitoring ice melting tension value of 200 lightning lines as sample data,the ice weight change rate per unit length and the probability distribution of ice weight change at the moment of deicing of 110,220 and 500 kV lightning lines are studied.Research shows that the threshold values for the rate of ice weight change per unit length during the de icing process of lightning rods with different voltage levels are-0.035,-0.049,and-0.072 kg/10 min,respectively,with probabilities of 89.26%,88.04%,and 90.13%;The threshold values of ice weight per unit length at the moment of deicing of lightning wires with different voltage levels are 6.51,8.22 and 10.26 kg respectively,and the probability is 91.16%,89.72%and 88.17%respectively;An actual case is used to verify the accuracy of the calculation results in this paper.The conclusions can provide scientific guidance for the effective identification of lightning conductor ice melting process and anti-ice reinforcement engineering.


贵州电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院,贵阳 550000||南方电网防冰减灾联合实验室,贵阳 550000贵州电网有限责任公司凯里供电局,贵州凯里 556000


icinglightning conductormelting icevoltage levelthreshold

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (003)

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中国南方电网科技项目"自主可控融冰操作关键技术研究"(编号:066600KK52210005).Project supported by Science and Technology Program of China Southern Power Grid(No.066600KK52210005).

