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多重雷击下500 kV超高压站内MOA损坏原因分析OA

Damage Causes of MOA in 500 kV EHV Station Under Multiple Lightning Strikes


金属氧化物避雷器的优异非线性、良好的陡度响应特性和大的通流容量,在电力系统过电压保护方面作用显著.近年来随着超高压电力网覆盖面扩大,电力系统运行环境愈加复杂,运行中出现了多起在多重雷击情况下500 kV超高压站内MOA损坏事故,损坏的表象大多是MOA电阻片贯穿性炸裂.为了探究多重雷击下500 kV超高压站内MOA的损坏原因,笔者使用EMTP-RV,结合某次故障实际录波图模拟分析了多重雷侵入波下500 kV站内MOA动作负荷特性和能量积累,并依据MOA固有的温度、能量特性,结合解体试验和多重雷下MOA的实际吸收能量揭示了MOA损坏原因,研究结论对提升多重雷下MOA的动作负荷能力和改善多重雷下MOA的保护特性具有重要参考价值.

With excellent nonlinearity,good steepness response characteristics and large current capacity,Metal oxide arresters play an important role in power system overvoltage protection.In recent years,with the expansion of ultra-high voltage power grid coverage,the operation environment of power system is becoming more and more complex.There are many MOA damage accidents in 500 kV ultra-high voltage station under multiple lightning strikes,and most of the damage is the penetrating crack of MOA resis-tors.In order to explore the causes of MOA damage in 500 kV ultra-high voltage station under multiple lightning strikes,the EMTP-RV is used to simulate and analyze the action load characteristics and ener-gy accumulation of MOA in 500 kV station under multiple lightning invasion waves combined with the ac-tual recording diagram of a fault.According to the inherent temperature and energy characteristics of MOA,combined with the disintegration test and the actual absorption energy of MOA under multiple lightning strikes,the damage causes are revealed.The research conclusions have important reference val-ue for improving the action load capacity of MOA under multiple lightning strikes and improving the pro-tection characteristics of MOA under multiple lightning strikes.


西安交通大学电气工程学院,西安 710049

多重雷击500 kV MOA动态模型能量积累

multiple lightning500 kV MOAdynamic modelthe energy accumulation

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (003)

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