

Factors Influencing the Stray Current and Surface Potential in Metro Traction System


为了掌握地铁杂散电流及地表电位的形成原因,获得相关影响因素的影响规律,建立了考虑地铁牵引系统实际结构的杂散电流与地表电位计算模型,利用该模型分析了轨-地过渡电阻、排流网、结构钢筋形式对地铁牵引网杂散电流与地表电位的影响.研究表明:尽管轨道与大地之间由绝缘件隔离,但由于管道较长且存在过渡电阻,轨-地系统的接地电阻的量级约0.1 Ω~1.0Ω,存在较大杂散电流侵入大地的可能;杂散电流及地表电位随轨-地过渡电阻增大而减小,但轨-地过渡电阻大于15 Ω·km时,进一步增加轨-地过渡电阻对限制杂散电流的效果降低,限制杂散电流增大应将重点放在防止轨-地绝缘发生劣化上;排流网与结构钢筋均能有效减小地中杂散电流与地表电位,将轨道结构钢筋连接成整体有利于增强结构钢筋的杂散电流回收能力,降低杂散电流的影响;牵引电流回流阻抗会随列车位置改变而变化,改变地中杂散电流分布.

In order to study the formation process and relative influencing factors of metro stray current and ground potential,a simulation model of metro traction system stray current and ground potential ac-cording to the real structure of metro system is built.With the model,the influencing regularities of rail-ground transition resistance,drainage net,and structural reinforcement on stray current and surface potential are analyzed.Results show that although the rail and the earth are isolated by insulating mem-bers,the magnitude of the grounding resistance of the rail ground system is about 0.1 Ω~1.0 Ω due to the existence of transition resistance and the long length of rail,leading to the possibility of large stray current invading the earth;The stray current and surface potential decrease with the rise of rail ground transition resistance.But the further increase of rail ground transition resistance will reduce the effect of limiting stray current when the rail-ground transition resistance is greater than 15 Ω·km.It indicates that preventing the deterioration of rail-ground insulation is the key in limiting stray current;Both drain-age net and structural reinforcement can effectively reduce the stray current and ground potential.Con-necting the structural reinforcement as a whole can enhance its ability of recovering stray current,reduc-ing the influence of stray current;Besides,the return impedance of traction current will change with the metro position so that the distribution of stray current is also affected.


直流输电技术国家重点实验室(南方电网科学研究院),广州 510663


metro traction systemstray currentsurface potentialinfluencing factors

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (003)

70-76,84 / 8

