

Day-Ahead and Real-Time Two-Stage Power Trading Method Based on ADMM and GSP


随着具备分布式资源的产消者群逐渐成为新兴电力市场主体,分布式资源如何从仅满足产消者群自给自足到进一步有效利用成为重要命题.首先,分析分布式电能发展现状,针对产消者群提出一种分布式交易框架.在此框架下,根据产消者群实际情况建立了产消者群模型,并制定日前-实时两阶段电能交易方法.在日前阶段,基于交替方向乘子法(alternating direction method of multipliers,ADMM)实现产消者群的日前电能交易,通过电能供需关系迭代拉格朗日乘子得到交易价格,既解决了产消者群议价难题也提升了可再生资源利用率;接着,在实时阶段,基于广义二价拍卖(generalized second-price,GSP)规则使产消者群在电能拍卖中合理出价,既解决了"光伏发电容易受到天气影响及产消者自身负荷预测准确度低导致电能偏差"的问题,也满足了实时电能交易中多产消者群之间对交易时限的要求.最后,通过算例验证了文章所提出方法的合理性.

As the prosumer group with distributed resources becomes a prominent player in the power market,and the ratio of distributed power access is increasing,the question of how to effectively utilize these resources beyond meeting the self-sufficiency of the prosumer group has become crucial. This paper begins by analyzing the current state of distributed power development. It then proposes a distributed trading framework for the prosumer group. Within this framework,a model for the prosumer group is established taking into account its real situation,and a power trading method featuring two stages,namely day-ahead and real-time,is proposed. In the day-ahead stage,the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) facilitates electricity trading for the prosumer group. The transaction price is updated through the Lagrange multiplier,which iteratively adjusts according to the power supply and demand relationship. This approach not only addresses the bargaining issue of the prosumer group but also enhances the utilization of renewable resources. Concerning the real-time stage,the prosumer group is enabled to bid reasonably in power auctions based on the generalized second-price (GSP) auction rule. This resolves problems such as the susceptibility of photovoltaic power generation to weather conditions and the power deviation caused by inaccurate load forecast. Additionally,it meets the time constraints for trading among multiple prosumer groups in real-time electricity trading. Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through calculations based on examples.


国网天府新区供电公司,成都市 610213四川大学电气工程学院,成都市 610065



distributed trading frameworkprosumer groupgeneralized second-price(GSP)alternating direction method of multipliers(ADMM)renewable resources

《电力建设》 2024 (006)

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国家自然科学基金项目(52077146)This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52077146).

