

Forecasting of Electric-Vehicle Charging Load Considering Travel Demand and Guidance Strategy



With electric vehicles (EVs) gradually replacing fueled vehicles,the impact of their charging load on the power grid is increasing. Therefore,this study proposes a spatial-temporal distribution prediction method for the charging load of EVs that considers travel demand and a guidance strategy. First,a semi-dynamic traffic network model that divides functional areas was developed based on a road travel time model. Furthermore,an energy-consumption model of EVs was established,and the charging demand,semi-dynamic transportation network model,energy consumption model,and traditional travel chain were revised according to the influence of the electricity price,climate,and season on the travel demand of vehicle owners. Considering the limited rationality of vehicle owners based on the influence of external factors,a charging load prediction method for private cars and taxis based on a guidance strategy is proposed. Finally,the modified trip chain and OD matrix were used to simulate the travel behavior of private cars and taxis,respectively,in the semi-dynamic traffic network model during the study period,and the validity of the proposed prediction method was verified through a simulation experiment of the semi-dynamic traffic network in the divided regions. The results show that the spatial-temporal distribution of the charging load for EVs is consistent with the analysis of external influencing factors,and the proposed guidance strategy can improve the satisfaction of vehicle owners.


武汉大学电气与自动化学院,武汉市 430072南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司,广州市 510663||广东省电网智能量测与先进计量企业重点实验室,广州市 510663广东电网有限责任公司肇庆供电局,广东省肇庆市 526060



electric vehicletravel demandcumulative prospectcharging loadspatial and temporal distributionsemi-dynamic traffic network

《电力建设》 2024 (006)

10-26 / 17

国家自然科学基金项目(51977154);中国南方电网有限责任公司科技项目(031200KK52222008)This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51977154)and Technology Program of China Southern Power Grid Company Limited(No.031200KK52222008).

