

A study on the effects of exogenous γ-aminobutyric acid and exogenous melatonin treatment on fruit quality and sugar metabolism-related en-zymes in Hongsubao pear


[目的]研究外源γ-氨基丁酸和外源褪黑素处理后,红酥宝梨果实不同发育阶段的糖代谢相关酶活性及果实糖含量的变化规律,明晰影响红酥宝梨果实糖积累的关键酶类,为红酥宝梨果实品质调控技术研发提供理论依据.[方法]以红酥宝梨为试验材料,于果实膨大期用5 mmol·L-1、10 mmol·L-1、20 mmol·L-1的γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)溶液和50 µmol·L-1、100 μmol·L-1、200 μmol·L-1的褪黑素(melatonin,MT)溶液进行叶面喷施,对照为叶面喷施蒸馏水,研究其对梨果实发育过程中果实品质相关指标以及糖代谢相关酶活性的影响.[结果]适宜浓度的外源GABA处理和外源MT处理显著提高了红酥宝梨果实品质,其中,50μmol·L-1 MT处理显著提高了单果质量、增强了果实阳面着色效果、果肉硬度和蔗糖、山梨醇、果糖、总糖含量,以及甜度值和糖酸比.适宜浓度外源处理还能显著提高红酥宝梨发育过程中糖代谢相关酶类的活性,其中10 mmol·L-1 GABA处理对可溶性酸性转化酶(S-AI)活性、5 mmol·L-1 GA-BA处理对中性转化酶(NI)活性、200 μmol·L-1 MT处理对蔗糖合成酶(分解方向)(SS-Ⅰ)活性、20 mmol·L-1 GABA处理对蔗糖合成酶(合成方向)(SS-Ⅱ)活性、50 μmol·L-1 MT处理对蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性均有显著提高.[结论]利用50 μmol·L-1浓度的褪黑素溶液对红酥宝梨进行叶面喷施,可显著提高单果质量、色差、可溶性固形物含量等果实经济性状和蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性,提高梨果实中蔗糖、山梨醇、果糖和有机酸含量、增加糖酸比和果实甜度,进而提高果实品质.

[Objective]The economic characteristics of pears,including fruit size,skin color,sugar and acid composition,sugar-to-acid ratio,and fruit firmness,significantly impact the commercial value of pear fruit and are of interest to various stakeholders such as producers,traders,consumers,and research-ers.Glucose,fructose,sucrose,and sorbitol are the primary soluble sugars in pears,while malic acid,citric acid,tartaric acid,and quinic acid are the major organic acids,with fructose and sucrose playing crucial roles in determining fruit sweetness.Therefore,enhancing these traits is fundamental for pear production.Current strategies for improving fruit quality focus on enhancing environmental conditions like water availability,soil quality,nutrient levels,and light exposure.While studies have explored the use of external agents for foliar application to enhance fruit quality,there remains a research gap con-cerning the pivotal enzymes that regulate sugar and acid metabolism,impacting sugar and acid levels in the fruit.This research deficiency impedes the development of effective quality enhancement products and the establishment of a robust theoretical framework.γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA)and melatonin(MT)are naturally occurring compounds with reported potential in regulating fruit quality,yet limited research has been conducted on their exogenous application to enhance red-skinned pear quality.This study investigates the effects of exogenous GABA and MT treatments on Hongsubao red-skinned pears,analyzing changes in the activity of sugar metabolism-associated enzymes(soluble acid invertase,neu-tral invertase,sucrose synthase,and sucrose phosphate synthase)and sugar content at various fruit de-velopment stages.The objective is to elucidate the key enzymes influencing sugar accumulation in Hongsubao pear and provide a theoretical foundation for developing quality control strategies for this pear variety.[Methods]Experimental materials in this study consisted of Hongsubao pear fruit sourced from the Zhengzhou Fruit Tree Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,spe-cifically from the National Horticultural Germplasm Resource Library Zhengzhou Pear Sub-library.During the fruit enlargement phase,pear fruit were given treatments with GABA solutions at concentra-tions of 5 mmol·L-1(G1),10 mmol·L-1(G2),and 20 mmol·L-1(G3),or with melatonin(MT)solutions at concentrations of 50 μmol·L-1(M1),100 μmol·L-1(M2),and 200 μmol·L-1(M3)via foliar applica-tion.Foliar spraying with distilled water served as the control(CK).The impacts on individual fruit weight,longitudinal and transverse diameters,coloration of the sun-exposed fruit surface,peel firm-ness,soluble solid content,sugar and acid levels,sugar-to-acid ratio,and activities of sugar metabolism-related enzymes were assessed throughout the developmental stages of pear fruits.[Results]The opti-mal concentrations of exogenous GABA and melatonin(MT)treatments notably improved various char-acteristics of Hongsubao pears,encompassing individual fruit weight,fruit coloration on the sunlit side,fruit firmness,soluble solid content,sugar and acid contents,and sugar-acid ratio.Particularly,treat-ment M1 significantly increased individual fruit weight,sunlit side coloration,firmness,sucrose,sorbi-tol,fructose,and total sugar contents,sweetness value,and sugar-acid ratio by 18.48%,351%,12.21%,176.62%,52.24%,57.21%,50.81%,54.99%,and 25.54%,respectively.Treatment M2 notably in-creased soluble solids by 11.79%,while treatment G1 enhanced glucose by 32.74%.Exogenous treat-ments also substantially elevated the activities of sugar metabolism-related enzymes during the develop-ment of Hongsubao pears.For instance,G2 treatment raised soluble acid invertase(S-AI)activity by 69.21%at 66 days after full bloom(DAF);G1 treatment increased neutral invertase(NI)activity by 81.44%at 66 DAF;M3 treatment enhanced sucrose synthase(degradation direction)(SS-Ⅰ)activity by 72.53%at 108 DAF;G3 treatment increased sucrose synthase(synthesis direction)(SS-Ⅱ)activity by 17.77%at 94 DAF;and M1 treatment augmented sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS)activity by 79.42%at 154 DAF.[Conclusion]Foliar application of a 50 μmol·L-1 melatonin solution significantly im-proved individual fruit weight,color differentiation,and soluble solid content of Hongsubao pears,key economic traits of the fruit.Moreover,it notably increased sucrose phosphate synthase activity,leading to elevated levels of fructose,sorbitol,sucrose,and organic acids in pear fruit,thereby increasing sugar-acid ratio,sweetness,and overall fruit quality.


中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009商丘国家农业科技园区管理委员会,河南商丘 476000中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009||楚雄云果产业技术研究院,云南楚雄 675000中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州 450009||楚雄云果产业技术研究院,云南楚雄 675000



Pearγ-aminobutyric acidMelatoninFruit qualitySugar-acid metabolism

《果树学报》 2024 (6)



