

Research on support technology for roadway passing through faults under soft rock geological conditions


针对软岩巷道断层越来越严重的问题,王楼煤矿采用"锚杆+注浆"的二次支护形式进行软岩地质条件下巷道过断层的支护.首先在巷道过断层位置布置锚杆进行支护,然后注入浆液以增强支护效果.通过实例结果可以看出,采用设计支护技术施工后,巷道过断层左帮围岩变形36.8 mm,右帮围岩变形39.3 mm,达到了预期的支护效果.研究软岩地质条件下巷道过断层支护技术对于确保煤矿开采工作的安全和顺利进行具有重要意义.

In view of the increasingly serious problem of soft rock roadway faults,the secondary support form of'bolt+grouting'was used to carry out the support work of roadway crossing faults.Firstly,the bolt was arranged at the fault position of the roadway for support,and then the slurry was injected to enhance the support effect.Through the example results,it could be seen that after the construction of the design support technology,the deformation of the surrounding rock of the left side of the roadway passing through the fault was 36.8 mm,and the deformation of the surrounding rock of the right side was 39.3 mm,which achieved the expected support effect and the construction quality was better.It was of great significance to study the support technology of roadway crossing fault under soft rock geological conditions to ensure the safety and smooth progress of coal mining.


山东东山王楼煤矿有限公司,山东济宁 272063



soft rock geological conditionsroadwaypassing through faultssupport technology

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (005)

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