

Research on geological security technology for safe mining under high-intensity mining conditions


为解决小保当一号煤矿矿井涌水问题及地表生态问题,通过理论分析与现场实测等方法对矿井涌水预测、裂隙发育高度展开研究.研究表明,小保当一号煤矿矿井涌水量整体呈增加趋势,且与地表降水、工作面开采范围及生产能力有关;理论计算得矿井最大涌水量875 m3/h,裂隙发育高度为127.6~162.4m,与上煤层采空区贯通,存在突水危险.针对该矿井实际情况,提出了针对性的地质保障措施,确保煤矿生产安全.

In order to solve the problem of mine water inflow and surface ecological problems in Xiaobaodang No.1 Coal Mine,the prediction of mine water inflow and the height of fracture development were studied by theoretical analysis and field measurement.The research showed that the mine water inflow of Xiaobaodang No.1 Coal Mine was increasing as a whole,and it was related to surface precipitation,working face mining range and production capacity.According to the theoretical calculation,the maximum water inflow of the mine was 875 m3/h,and the fracture development height was 127.6~162.4 m,which was connected with the goaf of the upper coal seam,and there was a risk of water outburst.In view of the actual situation of the mine,targeted geological safeguard measures were put forward to ensure the safety production of coal mine.


陕西小保当矿业有限公司,陕西榆林 719302



mine water inflowfracture development heightlarge well methodcorridor methodanalogy methodwater disaster prevention and controlgeological security

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (005)

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