

Analysis of characteristics of ancicent tree resources in different regions of Henan Province and protection countermeasures


[目的]分析河南省不同区域古树资源的空间特征、物种组成与数量特征的差异性,对河南省因地制宜保护古树资源具有重要意义.[方法]以河南省9 874株散生古树为研究对象,运用空间分析法探究其空间分布特征,从数量、物种组成和树龄结构3大维度比较分析了 5大区域、6种用地类型中古树资源的差异性.[结果]1)河南省古树资源呈西北-东南方向的聚集态势,古树在数量上呈现较为显著的空间正相关性,古树树龄则呈现负相关性.2)伏牛山区、大别山-桐柏山区、太行山区3大区域在古树的数量、密度及种类方面均呈现出不同优势.古树数量较少的黄淮海平原区、秦巴山地2个区域中(超)高龄古树比例相对较高.3)河南省内耕地及草地、农村居民点、林地等农用地类型是古树资源的主要聚集地.[结论]伏牛山区、大别山-桐柏山区、太行山区3大区域需加强对偏远山区古树资源的定期巡逻与检查;黄淮海平原区、秦巴山地在保护现有古树资源的同时,应加强古树后备资源建设;在古树资源集中的农用地中,应充分发挥古树资源在美丽乡村建设和乡村振兴战略中的积极作用.

[Objective]This study aiming to analyze the spatial characteristics,species composition,and quantitative characteristics of ancient tree resources in different regions of Henan Province is of great significance for protecting ancient tree resources according to local conditions.[Method]Using 9 874 scattered ancient trees in Henan Province as the research object,spatial analysis was used to ex-plore their spatial distribution characteristics.The differences in ancient tree resources among 5 regions and 6 land use types were compared and analyzed from three dimensions:quantity,species composi-tion,and tree age structure.[Result]1)The ancient tree resources in Henan Province were clustered in the northwest-southeast direction.The number of ancient trees presented a significant positive spatial correlation,while the age of ancient trees was negatively correlated.2)Funiu Mountain Area,Dabie Mountain-Tongbai Mountain Area and Taihang Mountain Area showed different advantages in terms of the number,density and species of ancient trees.The proportion of(super)aged ancient trees was relatively high in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain and Qin-Ba Mountain which had fewer ancient trees.3)In Henan Province,cultivated land,grassland,rural residential areas,forest land and other land types were the main gathering places of ancient tree resources.[Conclusion]In the three regions of Funiu Mountain Area,Dabie Mountain-Tongbai Mountain Area and Taihang Mountain Area we need to strengthen the regular patrol and inspection of ancient tree resources in remote mountain areas.In Huang-Huai-Hai Plain and Qin-Ba Mountain we should strengthen the construction of ancient tree re-serve resources while protecting the existing ancient tree resources.In the agricultural land where ancient tree resources are concentrated,we should give full play to the positive role of ancient tree re-sources in the construction of beautiful countryside and the strategy of rural revitalization.


河南农业大学林学院,河南郑州 450046河南农业大学林学院,河南郑州 450046||河南农业大学风景园林博士后流动站,河南郑州 450046河南农业大学国际教育学院,河南郑州 450002



ancient treedistribution characteristicland use typeprotectionHenan Province

《河南农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

444-455 / 12


