Analysis on the diagnosis and treatment of ulcerative colitis based on"diarrhea"in Synopsis of Golden Chamber
溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)是发病机制尚不明确的炎症性肠病,其治疗迄今为止仍是国际难题,而溃疡性结肠炎属于中医下利病范畴,基于《金匮要略》中"下利病"条文及现代研究成果,认为溃疡性结肠炎病因病机、治疗原则、辨证论治及处方遣药,并根据脉象和症状推测疾病的预后.结果表明,溃疡性结肠炎的病因病机为禀赋不足,感受外邪,或湿热壅结,腐蚀肠络,或饮食不慎,实滞内结,或日久不愈,损及脾肾.治疗应分清寒热虚实,标本缓急.以"寒者热之""热者寒之""通因通用"为治疗原则,虚寒者,当温阳散寒,涩肠固脱;实热积滞者,当通腑泄热,荡涤积滞;湿热蕴结者,当清热燥湿,凉血止利.若脉数而阳气来复,提示预后较好,若脉紧阳气不复,提示预后较差.通过对《金匮要略》中"下利病"的探析,以期为临床辨证论治溃疡性结肠炎提供理论根据和参考价值.
Ulcerative colitis(UC),a form of inflammatory bowel disease,remains an international challenge due to its unclear pathogenesis and ongoing treatment complexities.Classifying UC under the category of diarrhea disease,based on the"diarrhea"provisions in the Synopsis of Golden Chamber and modem research results,this paper systematically summarizes its etiology and pathogenesis,treatment principles,syndrome differentiation and treatment,prescriptions and medications,and predicts its prognosis based on its pulse manifestations and symptoms.The results show that UC's etiology and pathogenesis involve factors such as inherent deficiency,invasion of external pathogens,stagnation of damp-heat leading to erosion of intestinal vessels,dietary indiscretion causing internal congestion,and prolonged diseases affecting the spleen and kidneys.The treatment strategies of UC should differentiate between cold and heat,deficiency and excess,manifestations and root causes,a chronic case and an acute one.Guided by the principles of"treating cold syndromes with heat methods","treating heat syndromes with cold methods",and"treating incontinent syndromes with dredging methods",interventions for those with a deficient cold syndrome include warming yang for dispelling cold,astringing intestines and arresting proptosis,while for those with a syndrome of indigestion due to excessive heat,dredging viscera to clear heat and eliminate indigestion,and include clearing heat and removing dampness,cooling blood to stop diarrhea for those with a syndrome of accumulated dampness-heat.A good prognosis can be guaranteed provided that the pulse is rapid and the yang qi revives,while a poor prognosis can be expected provided that the pulse is tight with no revival of yang qi.By analyzing"diarrhea"in the Synopsis of Golden Chamber,the study aims to provide theoretical evidence and practical references for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of UC.
长春中医药大学,长春 130117长春中医药大学附属医院,长春 130021
Jingui Yaolüe(Synopsis of Golden Chamber)ulcerative colitisdiarrheadiagnosis and treatment ideas
《吉林中医药》 2024 (006)
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