

Physical and Chemical Properties and Analysis of Utilization Potential for Municipal Sludge Pyrolysis Residues


污泥热解残渣作为污泥处理产物,具有丰富的硅、铝、铁等化合物,是一种潜在的可回收利用资源.文章以污泥热解残渣为原料,通过物理、化学相结合方法制备了多孔沸石和聚合氯化铝铁,并探究其污废水处理性能.试验结果表明,污泥残渣通过水热法合成的沸石表现出典型的多孔结构,在常温下对水中亚甲基蓝的吸附最大可达31 mg/g.同时,通过酸浸和聚合反应合成的聚合氯化铝铁对污水厂污水显示出优异的除磷效果,处理后出水总磷可稳定达到《陕西省黄河流域污水综合排放标准》标准.文章通过合成沸石、絮凝剂实现了污泥的无害化和高效化处置,为污泥残渣的资源化应用提供了一条路径.

Sludge pyrolysis residue,a byproduct of sludge treatment,possesses significant potential as a recyclable resource owing to its abundant silicon,aluminum,iron and other compounds.Porous zeolite and polyaluminum ferric chloride(PAFC)were prepared from sludge pyrolysis residue by the combination of physical and chemical methods,and their treatment properties were investigated.The results showed that the zeolite synthesized by hydrothermal method showed a typical porous structure,and the maximum adsorption of methylene blue could reach 31 mg/g at room temperature.Meanwhile,the PAFC was synthesized via acid leaching and polymerization techniques.As expected,the prepared PAFC showed an excellent removal effect for phosphorus from wastewater treatment plant.Furthermore,the total phosphorus of the effluent could well meet the standards of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard of Yellow River Basin in Shaanxi Province.It is expected that the strategy can provide a sustainable path for the resource utilization of sludge residue.


中铁水务集团有限公司,陕西西安 710000||中国铁工投资建设集团有限公司,北京 101300中国铁工投资建设集团有限公司,北京 101300||中国中铁生态环境专业研发中心,上海 200331



sludge residuezeolitepolyaluminum ferric chloride(PAFC)resource utilizationwater treatment

《净水技术》 2024 (006)

112-119 / 8

