

Difficulties in the Implementation of the Elderly Education Policies in M City and Solutions



The investigation and research of the elderly education in M city show the difficulties in the implementation of the elderly education policies in M city,such as the lagging ideas and concepts of the elderly education,and the perfunctory implementation of the policies;the insufficient investment in the elderly education,and the weak implementation of the policies;the flawed text of the elderly education system,and the deviated implementation of the policies.On the premise of defining the function of the public service for elderly education,measures are suggested:strengthening the publicity of eld-erly education,creating a good environment for the implementation of the policies,making clear the main responsibility of the subject,and strengthening the legislative guarantee or policy implementation;increasing the support and input for elderly education,consolidating the basic guarantee for policy im-plementation;promoting the innovation of school-running models,and enhancing the capacity of the institutions for policy implementation.Only in this way can we solve the current difficulties in implementing the policies and promote the high-quality development of elderly education in M city.


娄底开放大学,湖南 娄底 417000



AgingElderly educationPolicy implementationDifficultiesHigh-quality development

《继续教育研究》 2024 (007)

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