

Exploration of the Practice of a High-quality Development System for Education and Training of Veterans



This research aims to promote the high-quality development of education and training for veterans,to facilitate their employment from the perspective of social governance,and to achieve the goals of socialist modernization.In collaboration with Zhejiang Gongshang University Hangzhou College of Commerce and the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Linping District,the study adheres to the principle of"making soldiers a respected profession and making veterans respected individuals".It advocates for the establishment of the"Canal College"training system,incorporating innovative approaches covering a-daptive training,academic advancement,vocational skills training,and ongoing on-the-job training.Focused on addressing pain points in the education and training of veterans,the study aims to construct a systematic and innovative system,daringly engaging in practical exploration of education and train-ing to provide valuable insights for the high-quality development of education and training for veterans.


浙江工商大学杭州商学院 继续教育学院,浙江 杭州 311599


Education and training for veteransHigh-quality developmentProfessionalismAdaptive trainingSocial governance

《继续教育研究》 2024 (007)

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