

Theoretical Connotation and Practical Guidance of Xi Jin-ping's Important Exposition on Lifelong Learning



Xi Jin-ping's important exposition of life-long learning is the embodiment of the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era in the field of life-long learning.Systematic research and analysis of the theoretical connotation and practical guidance of the important exposition are of far-reaching historical and practical significance to the construction of life-long learning education system for the whole people and the construction of a learning society in a great learning country.It is found that the essential characteristic of lifelong learning is to promote the all-round sustainable de-velopment of human beings,the way to achieve it is to construct an education system serving the lifelong learning of the whole people,the motive force is to promote the digitization of education,and the ultimate goal is to build a learning society and a great learning country.Xi Jin-ping's important exposi-tion on life-long learning answers the question why life-long learning should be practiced in the new era,and points out the direction of life-long learning for all in the new era.It is a programme of action and a scientific guide to promote the construction of a learning society and a great learning coungry.


河北开放大学,河北 石家庄 050080



Xi Jin-pingLifelong learningTheoretical connotationPractical guidance

《继续教育研究》 2024 (008)

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