

The Path of Continuing Education Serving Rural Digital Community Construction from the Perspective of Rural Revitalization


中央网信办等五部门印发的《2023 年数字乡村发展工作要点》提出,"加快建设数字中国,发展数字经济和乡村数字文化",标志着数字中国建设迈上新台阶,数字化农村建设与发展更是推进乡村振兴战略实施的有力举措.要想实现乡村振兴五大战略目标,必须依靠继续教育助力,真正提升村民劳动技能,提升村民的人口素质.基于此,从不同角度详细阐述乡村振兴背景下继续教育服务数字化农村建设发展路径,从而培育出更多新型农民,为促进数字化农村的转型提供理论依据.

In the"Key Points for Digital Rural Development in 2023"issued by the Central Cyberspace Administration and four other departments it is proposed to"accelerate the construction of digital China,develop digital economy and rural digital culture",which marks a new stage in the construc-tion of digital China,and digital rural construction and development are powerful measures to promote the implementation of the rural revitalization strate-gy.To achieve the five strategic goals of rural revitalization,it is necessary to rely on continuing education to truly enhance the labor skills and qualities of villagers.Based on this,this article elaborates on the development path of continuing education services for digital rural construction from different per-spectives under the background of rural revitalization,thus cultivating more new types of farmers and providing theoretical basis for promoting the transfor-mation of digital rural areas.


中共四川省委党校(四川行政学院),四川 成都 610000



Rural revitalizationContinuing educationRural digital communitiesDevelopment path

《继续教育研究》 2024 (008)

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