

WU Jutong experiences of avoiding mistakes in treating children's diseases


吴鞠通,清代温病学派著名医家之一.其在继承前人学术思想基础上,加以整理总结,认识到各家治疗小儿疾病存在不同误区,并在《温病条辨·解儿难》篇中强调小儿病治应始终结合其"稚阳稚阴"的独特生理,提出小儿疾病防治过程的注意事项.通过分析吴鞠通对小儿生理病理的阐释,挖掘归纳出其小儿病治避误经验 8条,即"暖饱适宜,病安从生""用药轻灵,力破呆峻""大禁苦寒,存阴退热""慎用风药,防微致痉""痉瘛痫厥,分而明之""疳者干湿,对立统一""痘证重肤,表药当禁""沿用泻白,不可妄投",因吴鞠通不识小儿尚有情欲,故补充重视情志以适今之小儿情志病多见,希冀为小儿疾病的理论研究和临床治疗在避误方面提供更多思路和借鉴.

WU Jutong is one of the famous doctors of febrile disease school in the Qing Dynasty.WU Jutong,on the basis of inheriting the academic thoughts of predecessors,sorted out and summarized,and realized that there are different misunderstandings in the treatment of pediatric diseases.In the article Differentiation of Epidemic Febrile Diseases:Resolving Children's Difficulties,it is emphasized that the treatment of children's diseases should be combined with its unique physiology of"immature yang and immature yin",and points for attention in the process of prevention and treatment of children's diseases are put forward.The author analyzed WU Jutong's interpretation of the physiology and pathology of children,excavated and induced eight experience of WU Jutong's treatment and avoidance of childhood diseases,as following,"adequate warmth and fullness,without developing diseases","flexible medication to prevent sticking","prohibition of bitter cold medicines,preservation of body fluids and antipyretic effects","use wind medicine with caution to prevent spasms","distinguishing four diseases:convulsive disease,clonic convulsion,epilepsy syndrome,and syncope","the infantile malnutrition syndrome has two types of pathogenesis:dry and wet,which are both opposite and unified","pay attention to the skin in pox syndrome,and prohibit surface relieving drugs","continue to use Xiebai San,but cannot be used casually".Because WU Jutong did not know that children still have lust.Therefore,the supplement of"emphasizing the emotional emphasis"is intended to adapt to today's children's emotional diseases.Hope to provide more ideas and references for the theoretical research and clinical treatment of pediatric diseases.


黑龙江中医药大学,哈尔滨 150040黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院,哈尔滨 150040



WU Jutongchildrenexperience of avoiding mistakesFebrile Diseases Differentiationdifficult to solve

《天津中医药》 2024 (006)

710-713 / 4


