

Pathogenesis and differential treatment of breast cancer with qi stagnation and blood stasis



From chongren,tiangui,zongqi and other aspects,this paper discusses the etiology,pathogenesis and differentiation and treatment of breast cancer of qi stagnation and blood stasis.Its clinical manifestations are chest tightness,chest pain,abdominal pain,and no desire to drink water for a long time before the breast mass appears.The breast mass does not grow and does not have much pain for a long time,but it progresses rapidly in the perimenopausal period.After breast cancer surgery,the upper limb of the affected side is swollen and difficult to heal,and the bleeding and oozing fluid at the surgical opening are difficult to heal.The main pathogenic factors are related to the stagnation of water and dampness in the ren meridian,the obstruction of the meridian by dampness,the loss of qi and blood in the chongren uterus,and the inability to lower the zongqi.Postpartum milk meridian obstruction leads to blood stasis and qi stagnation,and the exhaustion of tiangui exacerbates the stagnation of water and dampness in the ren meridian,as well as blood stasis in the chest and breast.The clinical treatment of breast cancer should focus on promoting qi,promoting diuresis and removing blood stasis.Zenggu Yisui Decoction in the treatment of breast cancer of qi stagnation and blood stasis type can significantly improve clinical symptoms,prevent chemotherapy myelosuppression,and the curative effect is significant.A proven case was attached.


广州中医药大学,广州 510006广州医科大学附属中医医院,广州 510130



breast cancerqi stagnation and blood stasisrenmaichongmaizongqitiangui

《天津中医药》 2024 (006)

719-723 / 5


