

Serological analysis of antibody against varicella-herpes zoster virus in new recruits


目的 了解某部新入伍人员的水痘免疫状况及抗体阳性率,为军队人员疫苗防控政策提供流行病学数据.方法 采用整群抽样法对 903 名新入伍人员基本信息进行收集并分析,采集静脉血进行血清分离,采用水痘-带状疱疹病毒(VZV)IgG抗体ELISA试剂盒进行检测.结果 903 名入选的新入伍人员中,有 198 名曾经患过水痘,20 名患过带状疱疹.903 份血清标本中,共检出VZV IgG抗体阳性标本 617 份,阳性率为 68.33%.结论 新入伍人员VZV IgG抗体阳性率较低,提示加强水痘疫苗接种,对军队中水痘防控具有重要意义.

Objective To investigate the varicella zoster immunization status and antibody positive rate of new recruits in a certain unit,and to provide epidemiological data for the vaccine prevention and control policy of military personnel.Methods The basic information of 903 new recruits collected and analyzed by cluster sampling method.Venous blood was collected for serum separa-tion and detected by varicella-herpes zoster virus(VZV)IgG antibody ELISA kit.Results Among the 903 enlisted soldiers,198 had been contracted by chickenpox and 20 had been contracted by herpes zoster.Out of 903 serum samples,617 VZV IgG antibody sam-ples were detected,with a positive rate of 68.33%.Conclusions The positive rate of VZV IgG antibody in new recruits is low,sug-gesting that strengthening varicella-vaccination is important for the prevention and control of varicella-transmission in military units.


100101 北京,战略支援部队特色医学中心 皮肤病科100101 北京,战略支援部队特色医学中心 妇产科



new recruitvaricella-herpes zoster virusIgG antibody

《武警医学》 2024 (006)

470-473 / 4

