

Experimental Study on Preparation of High Citric Acid Soluble Phosphorus by Alkaline Oxide


为了制备有益于澳洲坚果生长所需的高枸溶性磷肥,以低品位磷矿和淤渣酸为实验原料,制备了水溶性磷半成品.选用碱性氧化镁(苦土干粉)、氧化钙、黄磷炉渣和钙镁磷肥为转化剂,探究了不同用量转化剂对枸溶性磷含量和转化率的影响.结果表明:以碱性氧化镁作转化剂时,添加 12%(质量分数)氧化镁时的转化效果最佳,枸溶性磷质量分数为21.78%,转化率为69.18%;以碱性氧化钙作转化剂时,添加 16%(质量分数)氧化钙时的转化效果最佳,枸溶性磷质量分数为25.80%,转化率为75.61%;以碱性黄磷炉渣作转化剂时,添加20%(质量分数)黄磷炉渣时的转化效果最佳,枸溶性磷质量分数为 18.27%,转化率为 53.87%;以钙镁磷肥作转化剂时,添加25%(质量分数)钙镁磷肥时的转化效果最佳,枸溶性磷质量分数为 21.73%,转化率为55.15%.

To create a phosphate fertilizer that is rich in citrate-soluble content to aid in the growth of macadamia nuts,researchers utilized low-quality phosphate rock and muck acid to produce water-soluble phosphorus products.They then tested the impact of various conversion a-gents such as alkaline magnesium oxide,calcium oxide,yellow phosphorus slag,and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer on the citrate-soluble phosphorus levels and conversion rates.Results indicated that using alkaline magnesium oxide as the conversion agent with 12%added showed the best conversion effect,resulting in a citric acid soluble phosphorus content of 21.78%and a conversion rate of 69.18%.Similarly,using alkaline calcium oxide with 16%added as the conversion agent yielded the best results,with a citrate-soluble phosphorus content of 25.80%and a conversion rate of 75.61%.When alkaline yellow phosphorus slag was used as the conversion agent with 20%added,the best con-version effect was observed,resulting in a citric acid soluble phosphorus content of 18.27%and a conversion rate of 53.87%.Finally,using calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer as the conversion agent with 25%added showed the best results,with a citric acid soluble phosphorus content of 21.73%and a conversion rate of 55.15%.


云南云天化股份有限公司,云南 昆明 650228



Alkaline oxidesConversion agentCitric acid soluble phosphorusConversion rate

《云南化工》 2024 (006)

45-48 / 4


