

Effect of Drug Therapy Combined with Multi-dimensional Psychological Intervention on Insomnia Medical Staff in Shift Based on the"Sunshine Hospital"Mode


目的 观察"阳光医院"模式下药物联合多维度心理干预对倒班医务人员失眠的影响,为改善一线倒班医务人员身心健康提供参考.方法 纳入武汉市患有失眠的倒班医务人员140 例,采用随机数字表法分为治疗组和对照组各70例,对照组给予药物治疗,治疗组基于"阳光医院"模式给予药物治疗联合多维度心理干预.基线期、访视1(基线+干预1个月)、访视2(基线+干预3个月),采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)、失眠严重指数量表(ISI)、爱泼沃斯嗜睡量表(ESS)、疲劳评估量表(FAS)评估两组睡眠情况,采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、抑郁症自我评估量表(PHQ-9)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)评价两组心理状态.结果 治疗组各方面均优于对照组.(1)睡眠:治疗组与对照组PSQI量表7个维度评分及总分、ISI、ESS、FAS总分在不同时间段均存在组内差异(P<0.05);其中,两组PSQI评分在访视2时差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组访视1、访视2 时睡眠质量、睡眠效率评分、ESS、FAS均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).(2)心理状况:两组不同时间段HAMD、HAMA、PHQ-9、SAS评分均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);访视 2 时两组HAMA、SAS评分均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 基于"阳光医院"模式的药物治疗联合多维度心理干预,短期可明显改善倒班医务人员嗜睡、疲劳症状和睡眠质量、睡眠效率及焦虑抑郁情绪,长期可明显改善整体失眠情况及焦虑情绪.

Objective To explore the effects of drug therapy combined with multi-dimensional psychological intervention on the insomnia of shift medical staff in"sunshine hospital"mode,and to provide a reference for improving the physical and mental health of shift medical staff.Methods A total of 140 cases of medical staff with insomnia in shifts in Wuhan were included and divided into study group and control group by random number table method,70 cases in each group.The control group was given drug treatment,and the study group was treated combined with multi-dimensional psychological intervention.based on"sunshine hospital"model.The scale and questionnaire of PSQI,ISI,ESS and FAS were used to evaluate sleep status and HAMD,HAMA,PHQ-9 and SAS were used to evaluate psychological status,at baseline,visit 1(baseline+intervention for 1 month)and visit 2(baseline+intervention for 3 months),respectively.Results(1)Sleep status:There were differences in 7 dimensions of PSQI score,ISI,ESS,and FAS score between the study group and the control group at different periods(P<0.05);Among them,the PSQI scores of the two groups showed significant difference between the two groups at interview 2(P<0.05);There were significant differences in sleep quality,sleep efficiency scores,ESS and FAS between the two groups at visit 1 and visit 2(P<0.05).(2)Psychological status:HAMD,HAMA,PHQ-9 and SAS scores of the study group and the control group were different in different periods(P<0.05).At interview 2,there were significant differences in HAMA and SAS scores between the two groups(P<0.05).Conclusion Based on the"sunshine hospital"model of drug therapy combined with multi-dimensional psychological intervention,it can significantly improve sleepiness,fatigue symptoms,sleep quality,sleep efficiency,and anxiety and depression of first-line shift medical staff in the short term,and significantly alleviate overall insomnia and anxiety in the long term.


武汉市第一医院神经内科,武汉 430022湖北中医药大学第一临床学院,武汉 430065浙江中医药大学附属第一医院(浙江省中医院),杭州 310006武汉市第一医院院工会,武汉 430022



Sunshine hospital modeDrug therapyPsychological interventionMedical StaffShiftInsomnia

《医药导报》 2024 (007)

1089-1095 / 7


